EVENT: DH and Libraries THATCamp, DLF

This year’s Digital Library Federation Forum will once again host a DH and Libraries THATCamp: “After a first successful DH & Libraries THATCamp event last year at the DLF Forum in Denver, we are hoping to continue the conversation this year.” Organized as a post-conference event, it will take place in Austin on November 7 from ...

RESOURCE: NCSU Harvests Instagram Photos of Their Library with Open Source Tool

North Carolina State University released a new, open source tool that harvests Instagram images that use the hashtag #HuntLibrary. Initially created to collect images for a Library Journal supplement about Library by Design, the project evolved into a larger community building effort that resulted in more than 2500 images added to the collection. “NCSU Libraries ...

POST: No Holds Barred Advice from Tom Scheinfeldt

Tom Scheinfeldt shares some thoughts about how he evaluated a “venerable cultural heritage institution’s” digital program. Scheinfeldt’s appraisal offers cultural heritage institutions a useful roadmap for considering what digital programs need to be successful and relevant, such as an integrated social strategy and mobile strategies. Above all, Scheinfeldt reminds us that “Digital is not a revenue ...

JOB: Coordinator – Digital Scholarship Unit – University of Toronto, Scarborough

From the Announcement: “The University of Toronto Scarborough Library invites applications for a dynamic, highly-motivated person for a full-time permanent status stream position of Coordinator, Digital Scholarship Unit. The successful candidate will bring creativity and enthusiasm to this role that will strengthen the integration of the library into the teaching, learning and research activities at ...

JOB: Digital Archivist – Harvard University Art Museums

From the Announcement: Harvard Art Museums’ increased use of technology has generated a wealth of digital content. The Digital Archivist provides leadership, strategic planning, and management of this content. The Digital Archivist is responsible for the long term preservation, organization, and distribution of the museums’ digitized and born-digital material. The Digital Archivist works closely with ...

EVENT: SHARP 2013 Digital Projects and Tools Showcase

In July, the Society for the History of Authorship, Reading & Publishing (SHARP) held its twenty-first annual conference in Philadelphia. In addition to the conference program, SHARP also held a digital showcase to share updates from various projects from the United States Canada and Europe. Below are examples of some of the projects: The Book ...

JOB: Digital Scholarship Specialist, NYU

From the Announcement: “NYU Division of Libraries is developing a Digital Scholarship and Publishing Services to provide digital scholarship and publishing services for our faculty and graduate students. The Digital Scholarship Specialist will join that unit to provide client service, technical expertise, training, and support for tools and practices that are used by faculty and ...

POST: Librarians and Digital Humanities Services Conversation

A recent post on the PhillyDH blog reports on a conversation among librarians at the University of Pennsylvania about digital humanities and service design. Post author Karrie Peterson posed these questions around library service design: How can we present a non-fragmented service interface to our constituents? How can we determine what levels of support we ...

POST: Library Acquisitions and ETDs

There have been a range of responses to the The American Historical Society’s “Statement on Policies Regarding the Embargoing of Completed History PhD Dissertations.”  In this post, Melanie Schlosser, the Digital Publishing Librarian at the Ohio State University Libraries, conducts a brief interview with Dracine Hodges, the Head of Acquisitions at Ohio State to “shed light ...

WORKSHOP: Now Accepting Application: Digital Humanities Data Curation Institute (Oct. 16-18 @ MITH)

Applications are now open for the second Digital Humanities Data Curation Institute workshop at the Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities (MITH). Traditional or alternative professionals, librarians, archivists, cultural heritage specialists, other informational professionals and advanced graduate students are welcome to apply.  The application deadline is August 7th. dh+lib reviewThis post was produced through ...

JOB: Digital Projects Librarian at Florida Atlantic University Libraries

From the Announcement: Reporting to the Digital Initiatives Librarian, the Digital Projects Librarian will be responsible for the long-term preservation of FAU’s digital collections in the Florida Digital Archive. The desired candidate will have an understanding of emergent and best practices, standards, issues, and trends relating to digital initiatives in an academic library environment. The ...