Off the Wheel and Off the Rails: When Making and Teaching Go Wrong

An aspect of making and crafting I considered when invited to contribute to this special issue on physical data visualization is the possibility of confronting failure, especially the failure in the make, and the outcome possibly going very wrong. To be able to learn and grow as a crafter and data viz creator is to ...

Developing a Creative Practice with Ceramic Data Physicalizations

Introduction Over the past year I have been researching and crafting a data physicalization piece titled Me & You, 2024 (porcelain and thread, Figure 1). The resulting piece maps the physical locations of three significant people in my life in relation to where I lived at the time. Thread was weaved in between the shapes ...


Mixing up table-top role playing games (RPG) with digital humanities project lifecycles, Quinn Dombrowski (Stanford) created The DH RPG for a course 2020. The resource remains a fun and relevant way to explore and teach project management and ethical collaboration, and explore infrastructures critically. The site includes a guide to play, character building templates, and ...

RESOURCE: Exploring LLM Weirdness

This week’s editors-at-large nominated “Exploring LLM Weirdness” by Cord, a quiz that requires players to convince Chat-GPT4 to select the right answer in a multiple choice quiz. It serves as an interactive lesson and teaching tool on the limitations of AI in certain scenarios.

EVENT: DH@Guelph Summer Workshops

Registration is now open for the DH@Guelph Summer Workshops in Guelph, Ontario. The workshops will be in-person and will run over four days, 14-17 May 2024. Topics include: Making Connections: The Semantic Web for Humanities Scholars Introduction to Python Data AnalysisApproaching Media Archaeology from a Digital Humanities Perspective: Introduction, Tools, and Techniques Uncovering Hidden Trends ...

EVENT: Digital Initiatives Symposium

The University of San Diego will host its annual Digital Initiatives Symposium and celebrate the event’s tenth anniversary, on Monday, 29 April 2024, in San Diego, California. The schedule of events includes a series of workshops and presentations on acquiring commercial data sets, auditing diversity in library collections, designing digital exhibits, exploring generative artificial intelligence, ...

CFP: Connecticut Digital Humanities Conference (CTDH)

The third Connecticut Digital Humanities Conference (CTDH) has been announced and will take place on 21-22 February 2025 at Central Connecticut State University in New Britain, CT. The conference will also mark a return to the in-person format after a virtual version in 2021. From the call: We seek participation from a broad range of ...

CFP: DLF 2024 Virtual Event

CLIR’s Digital Library Federation (DLF) invites proposals for the Virtual 2024 DLF Forum, which will be held online, 22-23 October 2024. From the call: We invite proposals for live virtual presentations on all topics related to digital libraries, encompassing case studies, “show and fails,” practical application, methods, projects, ethics, research, and learning in any area, including, ...

OPPORTUNITY: Digital Projects Review Editor, American Quarterly

The American Studies Association (ASA) Digital Humanities Caucus seeks nominations for a new Digital Projects Review Editor for American Quarterly, the journal of the ASA. From the email call: Digital project reviews carry on the traditions and guidelines of book reviewing in the American Quarterly, including the careful selection of projects based on the importance ...

OPPORTUNITY: Paid Usability Testing for trans, queer, bipoc, and disabled people

The “Trans Mediascapes” research project at Carleton University seeks individuals to help test the Transgender Media Portal. In particular, the project team seeks individuals in Canada and the U.S. who are over the age of 16 and identify as Trans, Two Spirit, nonbinary, intersex, gender nonconforming, queer Black, Indigenous, racialized, a person of colour Deaf, ...

JOB: Head of Digital Scholarship (University of Pennsylvania)

From the announcement: Reporting to the Director of Research Data and Digital Scholarship (RDDS), the Head of Digital Scholarship is responsible for the administrative management of libraries’ digital scholarship initiatives including those related to digital projects, digital humanities, public digital scholarship, and affiliated areas. In collaboration with the Research Data and Digital Scholarship team and ...