RECOMMENDED: Digital Humanities in Libraries: New Models For Scholarly Engagement

In January, the Journal of Library Administration published a special issue devoted entirely to DH in libraries. Digital Humanities in Libraries: New Models for Scholarly Engagement features six articles that address both the theoretical and practical aspects of how libraries and librarians can engage in DH work. The issue was guest edited by Barbara Rockenbach, Director of the Humanities and History Libraries at Columbia University, who has been working to rejuvenate that institution’s Digital Humanities Center. [Our readers may recall that Ms. Rockenbach recently led a session at THATCamp Digital Humanities and Libraries focused on re-skilling librarians.]

Micah Vandegrift, Scholarly Communications Librarian at Florida State University and a co-author of one of the issue’s articles, has assembled links to the open access versions of the articles. He also describes his experience negotiating his contract with the publisher to allow such access.

With contributions from Chris Alen Sula, Jennifer Vinopal and Monica McCormick, Miriam Posner, Bethany Nowviskie, Micah Vandegrift and Steward Varner, and Ben Vershbow, this special issue is an important addition to the conversation about DH and libraries that we hope to develop here at dh+lib.


Debates in the Digital Humanities

RESOURCE: Debates in the Digital Humanities

The open access version of the well-received book, Debates in the Digital Humanities, edited by Matthew K. Gold, Director of the CUNY Academic Commons. Features essays by DH scholars and practitioners in an innovative online platform on a variety of current conversations in the field. The website also announces plans to expand the online edition to include new essays – watch for a forthcoming CFP!