Intertwingularity with Digital Humanities at the University of Florida

Laurie N. Taylor (Digital Scholarship Librarian) and Blake Landor (Classics, Philosophy, and Religion Librarian) profile recent DH developments at the University of Florida. These interconnected developments, including the formation of a dedicated library group, the development of a training course for librarians, and the launch of the Scott Nygren Scholars Studio, draw on related and ...

Teaching Digital Scholarship in the Library: Course Evaluation

John Russell, of the University of Oregon Libraries, recently taught a new, graduate-level course in digital scholarship, which he introduced earlier on dh+lib. In this post, he reviews how the class went. My Issues in Digital Scholarship class ended in March (we’re on the quarter system in Oregon). This class was designed to introduce graduate ...

CFP: Humanities Intensive Learning + Teaching at MITH

Following in the footsteps of their successful DH Winter Institute in January 2013, the Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities and the University of Maryland will again host the week-long training event. Henceforth, it will be called Humanities Intensive Learning and Teaching (HILT) and will be held in the summer. The planners of HILT, ...

The Developing Librarian Project

In this post, the Humanities and History team at Columbia University Libraries introduces their project-based training program designed to teach librarians new skills and methodologies in the digital humanities. Whether or not the humanities are in the midst of a crisis, much is changing in the humanities research landscape. Libraries and librarians have responded in ...

OPPORTUNITY: “Taking TEI Further: Customizing the TEI”

A reminder that there is still time to apply for the NEH-funded “Taking TEI Further: Customizing the TEI,” offered at Brown University. The seminar, which takes place May 8-10, 2013, has no registration fee and travel funding is available. Deadline to apply is February 15th. For further details and information about the seminar series, check ...

Teaching Digital Scholarship in the Library

John Russell is currently teaching a graduate-level course in digital scholarship. In this post, he introduces the course and discusses the decisions he made in its design. For more DH syllabi, visit the CUNY Digital Humanities Resource Guide. The University of Oregon Libraries recently established a Digital Scholarship Center; one of our first new activities is ...