TAPAS: Publishing and Archiving TEI

In this post, Julia Flanders and Scott Hamlin introduce the Text Encoding Initiative Archiving, Publishing, and Access Service project (TAPAS), which will launch in spring 2014, and invite the community to beta test the service.   For over 20 years, scholars of all kinds have been encoding transcriptions of scholarly and archival documents using the Text ...

OPPORTUNITY: “Taking TEI Further: Customizing the TEI”

A reminder that there is still time to apply for the NEH-funded “Taking TEI Further: Customizing the TEI,” offered at Brown University. The seminar, which takes place May 8-10, 2013, has no registration fee and travel funding is available. Deadline to apply is February 15th. For further details and information about the seminar series, check ...

Do You TEI? A Survey of Text Encoding Practices in Libraries

CALL FOR PARTICIPATION! If you work in a library and have any experience with text encoding projects, from web development to project management, please consider participating in a new survey, available here. Completing the survey should take no more than 30 minutes, and will help academic libraries develop strategic initiatives based on current practice. From the ...