RESOURCE: Digital Preservation 2014 Conference Wrap-Up

Mat Kelly (Old Dominion University) has written a thorough wrap-up of the Digital Preservation 2014 conference, held July 22-23 in Washington, D.C. Kelly’s post includes links to recordings of 25 of the talks given at DigiPres2014. The conference organizers have also uploaded slides for all talks, which can be viewed by scrolling down to the schedule ...

RESOURCE: Now Available, Software Takes Command, Open Access Edition

Lev Manovtch has announced an Open Access edition of his new book Software Takes Command, published by Bloomsbury Academic. First released in July 2013, as volume 5 of a series of International Texts in Critical Media Aesthetics, the book traces the concepts and techniques of contemporary software like Photoshop, Illustrator, and Final Cut back to development ...