RESOURCE: Introduction to Omeka, Amanda French’s Lesson Plan

Amanda French has posted an Introduction to Omeka Lesson Plan on her blog: I’ve taught “Introduction to Omeka” many times at various THATCamps but I’ve never done more than work from an outline. Today, however, I wrote it all down, and I am posting it for your edification here. The text is below, and here is a PDF: ...

POST: Creating Themes in Omeka 2.0

Margaret Heller (Digital Services Librarian, Loyola University) has written a brief introduction to creating custom themes in Omeka 2.0 on the ACRL TechConnect blog. For libraries that already have Omeka installed, have access to the code, and have multiple groups requesting Omeka sites, creating a theme template can be a useful way to scale what your library ...


THATCamp CNHM 2013 took place at George Mason University last weekend and included a Maker Challenge, which resulted in some great tangibles. Some of the notable projects include: Publishing Contract Repository: “This site aims to enable honest negotiations between authors and publishers by sharing information about contracts. Authors are encouraged to contribute copies of their contracts and to ...

RESOURCE: Catalog Search Plugin for Omeka

Lincoln Mullen, PhD candidate at Brandeis University, has created the Catalog Search plugin for Omeka, which builds upon Omeka’s Library of Congress Subject Heading plugin to search Archive Grid, the DPLA, Google Books, Google Scholar, the Hathi Trust, JSTOR, the Library of Congress, and WorldCat based on subject heading. See it in action at the ...