RESOURCE: Crafting Linked Open Data for Cultural Heritage: Mapping and Curation Tools for the Linked Jazz Project

In the current issue of The Code4Lib Journal, M. Cristina Pattuelli, Matt Miller, Leanora Lange, Sean Fitzell, and Carolyn Li-Madeo discuss using linked open data for the Linked Jazz project. The abstract reads: This paper describes tools and methods developed as part of Linked Jazz, a project that uses Linked Open Data (LOD) to reveal ...

RESOURCE: Linking Things on the Web: A Pragmatic Examination of Linked Data for Libraries, Archives and Museums

A new paper by Ed Summers (Library of Congress) on linked data for cultural heritage organizations. Here’s the abstract: The Web publishing paradigm of Linked Data has been gaining traction in the cultural heritage sector: libraries, archives and museums. At first glance, the principles of Linked Data seem simple enough. However experienced Web developers, designers ...