Pedal to the Metal: Our Year of DH

How did Virginia Commonwealth University librarians John Glover, Humanities Research Librarian, and Kristina Keogh, formerly the Visual Arts Research Librarian, build a DH initiative from the ground up? In this post, they detail their process for dreaming up, planning, developing, deploying, and evaluating Digital Pragmata over the course of its first year.  Impetus ALA Annual ...

RESOURCE: New Challenges in Digital History: Sharing Women’s History on Wikipedia

Mia Ridge has shared her presentation notes from the Women’s History in the Digital World Conference at Bryn Mawr’s Albert Greenfield Digital Center for the History of Women’s Education. The talk explores how and why academics should edit Wikipedia, a topic that has received a lot of attention recently in the library world, with many ...

RESOURCE: Austin College Digital Humanities Colloquium Wrap-up

In February, Austin College hosted a Digital Humanities Colloquium as part of a 2012-13 Mellon Foundation planning grant. Matthew Windsor (Visiting Librarian at Hendrix College) has shared a recap on Eduhacker highlighting the key points of each session along with links to projects, tools, and

POST: Why South By Southwest is Important for Libraries, Archives and Museums

What does South By Southwest (SXSW) have to offer practitioners engaged with libraries and the digital humanities? A recent post by Butch Lazorchak on The Signal (the digital preservation blog from the Library of Congress) argues: “A lot.” Pointing to the growing presence of libraries, archives, and museums (LAMs) at the 26th annual SXSW conference, Lazorchak ...