RESOURCE: Digital Preservation 2014 Conference Wrap-Up

Mat Kelly (Old Dominion University) has written a thorough wrap-up of the Digital Preservation 2014 conference, held July 22-23 in Washington, D.C. Kelly’s post includes links to recordings of 25 of the talks given at DigiPres2014. The conference organizers have also uploaded slides for all talks, which can be viewed by scrolling down to the schedule ...

RESOURCE: Staffing for Effective Digital Preservation: An NDSA Report

The National Digital Stewardship Alliance Standards (NDSA) and Practices Working Group have released “Staffing for Effective Digital Preservation: An NDSA Report,” a survey of 85 institutions with a mandate to preserve digital content. The questions focused on staffing and organization, and some of the key findings include: There is no dedicated digital preservation department in most ...

POST: Respect Des Bits: Archival Theory Encounters Digital Objects and Media

In his latest post for The Signal, Trevor Owens explores digital objects through the lens of archival theory, such as respect des fonds, or the archival imperative to maintain original order. He explains: While the representations of digital objects often appear non-linear it is critical to not be seduced by the flickering and transitory view of ...

POSTS: Museums, Digital Preservation Policies, and Copyright

Two recent posts address two important issues in museums: digital preservation policies and copyright. In a piece in The Signal, “Towards a Digital Preservation Policy For Museums,” Madeline Sheldon discusses her research into digital preservation policies, noting that, while libraries and archives tend to maintain published policies, she has only found one museum thus far that does ...

JOB: Research Associate, Digital Preservation, Kings College

From the description: “The post holder will work as a Research Associate on the EU FP7 project PERICLES (“Promoting and Enhancing Reuse of Information throughout the Content Lifecycle taking account of Evolving Semantics”), which was funded as part of the EU’s Digital Preservation program. The post holder will contribute to a range of the research ...

RESOURCE: Digital Preservation Tool Grid

Preserving (Digital) Objects With Restricted Resources (POWRR) has created a useful grid that tracks 24 different features of over 45 digital preservation tools, ranging from the very basic (e.g. Dropbox) to powerful, full-service platforms (e.g. Portico). The information was culled from tool websites, contacting the tool developers directly, discussion boards, and some direct tool testing, ...

POST: The CODATA Mission: Preserving Scientific Data for the Future

At Spellbound Blog, Jeanne Kramer-Smith has posted on a session from The Memory of the World in the Digital Age: Digitization and Preservation conference, sponsored by UNESCO in cooperation with the University of British Columbia and held in September 2012 in Vancouver. Untangling the acronyms, Kramer-Smith identifies the Committee on Data for Science and Technology (CODATA) ...

POST: Visualizations and Digital Collections

In a previous post on dh+lib, Jefferson Bailey outlined some of the ways in which the digital humanities could enhance access and discovery of cultural heritage materials. Now, in “Visualizations and Digital Collections,” he explores the potential of visualization as a technique for appraisal in born digital collections: [G]iven the ever-increasing volume of material in ...

RESOURCE: National Digital Stewardship Alliance Glossary

Checksum? Bagger? Ingest? The National Digital Stewardship Alliance has released a glossary of digital stewardship terms. NDSA members have been working on a “Levels of Digital Preservation” activity to provide basic digital preservation guidance on how an organization should prioritize its resource allocation. This glossary provides a common language for NDSA members to communicate about the levels work ...