JOB: Digital Humanities Librarian, Rutgers University

From the position description: The Digital Humanities Librarian will: – Provide leadership and instruction within the Libraries on the creation and curation of digital objects for the humanities in all formats, fostering collaboration among scholars, technologists, and information specialists. – Utilize the infrastructure of RUcore (Rutgers Community Repository) to archive, preserve, and present digital resources. ...

POST: Emerging Careers in Librarianship: Digital Humanities Librarian

Hack Library School takes a look at the Digital Humanities Librarian as part of their Emerging Careers in Librarianship series. In a post by Amy Frazier, Lindsay Skay Whitacre, Assistant Digital Collections Librarian at Boston College, shares her experience on how she came to DH, what skills she needs to do DH as a librarian, and ...