Pedal to the Metal: Our Year of DH

How did Virginia Commonwealth University librarians John Glover, Humanities Research Librarian, and Kristina Keogh, formerly the Visual Arts Research Librarian, build a DH initiative from the ground up? In this post, they detail their process for dreaming up, planning, developing, deploying, and evaluating Digital Pragmata over the course of its first year.  Impetus ALA Annual ...

dh+lib meetup at #DH2013

Attending the Digital Humanities 2013 conference and interested in GLAM issues? Join dh+lib for an informal gathering on Thursday, July 18, 7:30-9pm, at Yia Yia’s. Yia Yia’s: 1423 O Street View Larger Map Those attending DH2013 may be interested in checking out several events sponsored by the Association for Computers and the Humanities, including their Annual General ...

RESOURCE: Hacking the Academy

The University of Michigan Press and MPublishing have released a new title from the digitalculturebooks imprint, the second in the Digital Humanities series: Hacking the Academy: New Approaches to Scholarship and Teaching from Digital Humanities. Edited by Daniel J. Cohen and Tom Scheinfeldt, with contributions from myriad scholars, the volume explores emerging questions about the future of ...