Community Oriented Research Data Curation and Reuse

Ixchel Faniel is a Research Scientist at OCLC Research. Faniel has conducted extensive research into how various disciplinary communities approach research data reuse. Faniel served as Principal Investigator on the Institute for Museum and Library Services funded DIPIR (Dissemination Information Packages for Information Reuse). Thomas: Believe it or not, I think you may be the first ...

Data-Driven Art History: Framing, Adapting, Documenting

This is the first post in Data Praxis, a new series edited by Thomas Padilla  Matthew Lincoln is a PhD candidate in Art History at the University of Maryland, College Park. Matthew is interested in the potential for computer-aided analysis of cultural datasets to help model long-term artistic trends in iconography, art markets, and social relations between artists ...

POST: Refining the Problem — More work with NYPL’s open data, Part Two

In part II of his experiment to create an index of items using the New York Public Library’s What’s on the menu? data set, Trevor Muñoz discusses his work with the data and some of the lessons he learned. Muñoz used the Open Refine tool and, finding the NYPL data set too large to easily ...

POST: What IS on the Menu? More Work with NYPL’s Open Data, Part One

Part of making the argument for open collections data is showing what can be done with it. Trevor Muñoz’s recent blog post, in which he plays with the NYPL’s open data from the “What’s on the Menu?” project, explains how he uses the collection data as a testbed for data curation work. As Muñoz states: ...

RESOURCE: Using Data Curation Profiles to Design the Datastar Dataset Registry

The current issue of D-Lib Magazine includes an article by Sarah J. Wright, Wendy A. Kozlowski, Dianne Dietrich, Huda J. Khan, Gail S. Steinhart, and Leslie McIntosh titled, Using Data Curation Profiles to Design the Datastar Dataset Registry. From the abstract: The development of research data services in academic libraries is a topic of concern ...

RESOURCE: Keeping Up With… Big Data

The latest issue of the Association of College and Research Library’s (ACRL) Keeping Up With… publication is devoted to big data. Written by Mark Bieraugel (Business Librarian at California Polytechnic State University), it covers the nuts and bolts of the topic and offers a bibliography that includes sections such as “Big Data and the Academy,” “Privacy and ...

RECOMMENDED: Data curation as publishing for digital humanists

Text and slides from a talk delivered by Trevor Muñoz, Assistant Dean for Digital Humanities Research at the University of Maryland Libraries, at the CIC Center for Library Initiatives conference. Muñoz presents an intriguing synthesis of a couple of growing trends in libraries – data curation and publishing. Data curation here is defined as “information work ...

JOBS: Fellowships in Data Curation for Medieval Studies

The CLIR/DLF Postdoctoral Fellowship in Data Curation for Medieval Studies is an expansion of the CLIR Postdoctoral Fellowship Program in Academic Libraries. These five, fully-funded fellowships will provide recent Ph.D.s with professional development, education, and training opportunities in data curation for Medieval Studies. Through this program, CLIR seeks to raise awareness and build capacity for ...