Situated Interpretation, Capacious Computation, Empowered Discovery

Tanya Clement is Assistant Professor in the School of Information at the University of Texas at Austin. Her research centers on scholarly information infrastructure as it impacts academic research, research libraries, and the creation of research tools and resources in the digital humanities. She has published in a wide range of publications including Cultural Analytics, Digital Humanities ...

Museum as Play: Iteration, Interactivity, and the Human Experience

Sebastian Chan is Chief Experience Officer at the Australian Centre for the Moving Image. Previously he held positions as Director of Digital & Emerging Media at the Cooper Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum and Head of Digital, Social and Emerging Technologies at the Powerhouse Museum. His work spans consideration of digital and physical spaces and has been recognized by organizations ...

RESOURCE: “Out of Cite, Out of Mind” Report on Data Citation

“Out of Cite, Out of Mind,” a new report looking at issues surrounding data citation has been released by the US Committee on Data for Science and Technology (CODATA) and the Board on Research Data and Information (BRDI). The report discusses the current state of data citation policies and practices, its supporting infrastructure, a set of ...

RESOURCE: Keeping Up With… Big Data

The latest issue of the Association of College and Research Library’s (ACRL) Keeping Up With… publication is devoted to big data. Written by Mark Bieraugel (Business Librarian at California Polytechnic State University), it covers the nuts and bolts of the topic and offers a bibliography that includes sections such as “Big Data and the Academy,” “Privacy and ...