Intertwingularity with Digital Humanities at the University of Florida

Laurie N. Taylor (Digital Scholarship Librarian) and Blake Landor (Classics, Philosophy, and Religion Librarian) profile recent DH developments at the University of Florida. These interconnected developments, including the formation of a dedicated library group, the development of a training course for librarians, and the launch of the Scott Nygren Scholars Studio, draw on related and ...

Pedal to the Metal: Our Year of DH

How did Virginia Commonwealth University librarians John Glover, Humanities Research Librarian, and Kristina Keogh, formerly the Visual Arts Research Librarian, build a DH initiative from the ground up? In this post, they detail their process for dreaming up, planning, developing, deploying, and evaluating Digital Pragmata over the course of its first year.  Impetus ALA Annual ...

RESOURCE: “What’s in it for Me?”; or, Collaboration is not an End in Itself

In April, Brian Croxall, Digital Humanities Strategist at Emory University, delivered a talk at Case Western Reserve University as part of a colloquium on “Exploring Collaboration in Digital Scholarship.” As he described in his write-up of the talk, the heart of Croxall’s argument is the idea that collaboration is not an end in itself. Furthermore, If you ...

POST: How Collaboration Works and How It Can Fail

In a thoughtful post, Elijah Meeks (Stanford University Libraries) considers the role of the librarian in digital humanities projects, touching on the question of academic hierarchies, alt-ac, and the professional designation of librarians as “staff”: Anyone who has worked with undergraduate and graduate research assistants knows that their effort and engagement is not demanded but ...

POST: Cultivating Partnerships in the Digital Humanities

In a column in the Chronicle of Higher Education, William Pannpacker argues for the shared value of DH collaborations between teaching-focused liberal arts institutions and research-focused universities. Emblematic of these “multi-institutional partnerships” is the Praxis Network, “developed as a partnership to share information about efforts to reboot graduate education and prepare Ph.D.’s for a range ...