Digital Libraries + Hybridity: An Interview with Clifford Wulfman

Clifford Wulfman is the Coordinator of Library Digital Initiatives at the Firestone Library at Princeton University and consultant to Princeton’s new Center for Digital Humanities. He has been involved with the Perseus Digital Library, the Modernist Journals Project, and is currently Director of the Blue Mountain Project, an NEH-funded project to digitize European and North ...

POST: What Alt-Ac Can Do, and What It Can’t

Miriam Posner (UCLA) has posted her remarks from a panel she participated in on November 22, 2013, at the American Studies Association conference, sponsored by the Digital Humanities Caucus and chaired by Susan Garfinkel. The panel, Digital Humanities and the Neoliberal University: Complicity and/or Resistance?, featured Posner, Frances Abbott, Natalia Cecire, Alex Gil, and Lauren F. ...

RESOURCE: Humanities Unbound: Supporting Careers and Scholarship Beyond the Tenure Track

The finished report and data from the Scholarly Communication Institute’s study on graduate education and career development is now available. “Humanities Unbound: Supporting Careers and Scholarship Beyond the Tenure Track” includes specific recommendations on how to better prepare graduate students for alt-ac jobs, including: Evaluate and modify required aspects of graduate-level curricula Rethink standard methods ...

POST: How Collaboration Works and How It Can Fail

In a thoughtful post, Elijah Meeks (Stanford University Libraries) considers the role of the librarian in digital humanities projects, touching on the question of academic hierarchies, alt-ac, and the professional designation of librarians as “staff”: Anyone who has worked with undergraduate and graduate research assistants knows that their effort and engagement is not demanded but ...

POST: Humanities Unbound: Careers & Scholarship Beyond the Tenure Track

Despite the amount of discussion that alternative academics, or alt-ac, has generated recently, much of it has been speculative or anecdotal. Now, Katina Rogers, Senior Research Specialist the University of Virginia’s Scholarly Communication Institute, discusses the findings of her research over the past year on alt-ac employees and employers. The study looked at “perceptions of ...