CFP: New ADHO Special Interest Group dedicated to Libraries and DH

As has previously been reported in dh+lib review, the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO) issued a call for proposals for Special Interest Groups (SIGs), through which “those with similar professional specialties, interests, and aptitudes can exchange ideas, stay current, and mobilize to pursue common goals across the boundaries of ADHO’s individual Constituent Organizations.” During ADHO’s ...

CFP: ACRL Preconferences at 2014 ALA Annual Conference

ACRL is looking for applications for half-day or full-day preconferences for the 2014 ALA Annual Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada. ACRL is looking for programs that focus on interactive learning using a variety of presentation styles and offer practical tips. Deadline is March 27, 2013. Who’s doing the session on DH and libraries? This post ...