The most recent issue of the Code4Lib Journal includes Anthony Cocciolo’s “Unix Commands and Batch Processing for the Reluctant Librarian or Archivist.” Cocciolo, an Assistant Professor at Pratt’s School of Information and Library Science, outlines the basics for learning Unix. He describes Unix as offering “high-quality tools for quickly transforming born-digital and digitized assets, such as resizing videos, creating access copies of digitized photos, and making fair-use reproductions of audio recordings. These tools, such as ffmpeg, lame, sox, and ImageMagick, can apply one or more manipulations to digital assets without the need to manually process individual items, which can be error prone, time consuming, and tedious.”
dh+lib review
This post was produced through a cooperation between Julie Adamo, Emory Johnson, Chelcie Rowell, and Krista White (Editors-at-large for the week), Caro Pinto (Editor for the week), and Zach Coble and Roxanne Shirazi (dh+lib Review Editors).