RESOURCE: Boston-Area Digital Humanities Consortium website

The Boston DH Consortium, formed in August 2012 “to pursue shared funding opportunities; organize a series of events; network with digital humanities centers, organizations, and societies worldwide; and encourage local discussion of digital humanities and related topics,” has launched a new site. The Consortium describes itself as:

“an information association of educational and cultural institutions in New England committed to the collaborative development of teaching, learning, and scholarship in the digital humanities and computational social sciences.”

The site currently includes a calendar featuring upcoming events in the area, a list of consortial members, and information about joining the BostonDH mailing list. And– good news for DHers outside of New England– the group plans to extend membership beyond the Greater Boston area in Spring 2014.


dh+lib aggregated content

This post was produced through a collaboration involving Jessica Brangiel and Chris Chelberg (Editors-at-Large for the week) and Sarah Potvin (Editor for the week), with editorial assistance from Zach Coble and Roxanne Shirazi. For further details on the dh+lib aggregation process, including a link to volunteer to serve as Editor-at-Large, see: