Published earlier in 2022, the collaboratively authored and edited Data Primer: Making Digital Humanities Research Data Public (Felicity Tayler; Marjorie Mitchell; Chantal Ripp; and Pascale Dangoisse) provides an overview of current practices around data management and curation for digital humanities practitioners.
Book Description
Data management and curation are important processes for digital humanists: without proper planning and management, the value of the data as well as the labour involved in researching, collecting, and analyzing the data, could be lost!
Data Primer: Making Digital Humanities Research Data Public helps integrate best practices when writing a Data Management Plan for research funding applications; it will also improve data curation strategies for collecting, managing, and publishing digital files and formats alongside traditional textual scholarship.
The primer offers a Data Flow and Discovery Model that “helps digital humanists assess and plan their data curation and management needs as an iterative process that can be conducted throughout the life of their research project.” It covers a broad range of topics, including data management, consent and intellectual property, copyright and (open) licenses, data collection and ownership, working with data, transforming data management into scholarly/creative work, and publishing/archiving your data.
The Primer is available open-access through eCampusOntario’s Pressbooks platform.
dh+lib Review
This post was produced through a cooperation between Kayla Abner, Lisa Bonifacic, Carla Brooks, Ruth Carpenter, Tierney Gleason, Jennifer Matthews, Danelle Orange, Rebecca Saunders and Jennifer AW Stubbs (Editors-at-Large), Pamella Lach and Rachel Starry (Editors for the week), Caitlin Christian-Lamb, Nickoal Eichmann-Kalwara, Linsey Ford, Hillary Richardson (dh+lib Review Editors), and John Russell (Editor in Chief).