Featuring Joseph Grobelny, Krista White, and Patrick Williams.
The dh+lib Review will be taking a break for a few weeks, returning on June 10th. While the Review editors are away, we’ve asked a few members of our community to step in as guest editors and share their own lists of weekly reading.
Joseph Grobelny
(Reference & Instruction Librarian, Information Consultant — Front Range Community College)
- Make Longer Cables
- Faking Cultural Literacy
- Automatic Bazooti
- What Motivates Reviewers? An Experiment in Economics
- What Are You Going to Do with That Degree? Jobs by College Major
- The Beer Belly of America [map]
- NYT Innovation Report 2014
Krista White
(Digital Humanities Librarian, Rutgers-Newark)
- DHSI Lecture: Alex Gil — “The (Digital) Library of Babel: Digital Humanities at Scale”
- A Day in the Life of LIS Graduate Student Brandon Thomas Locke
- Preserving Your Personal Memories: Students Create Workshop on Photo Archiving
- Fast Facts: The Top Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) Hubs, Partners, and Other Usage Statistics
- Designing Digital Editions: Inclusivity vs. the Literary Canon
- New Digital Humanities Project Showcases Virginia Woolf
Patrick Williams
(Humanities Librarian, Syracuse University Libraries)
- Inaugural Lecture: A Decade in Digital Humanities
- Academic 15: Evaluating Library and IT Staff Responses to Disruption and Change in Higher Education
- What Does a Critical Data Study Look Like, and Why Do We Care? Seven Points for a Critical Approach to ‘Big Data’
- Mecha-Archivists: Envisioning the Role of Software in the Future of Archives
- Brewster Kahle: The Librarian of 404 Billion Websites
- Collecting Art, without Knowing What Kind of Art You’re Collecting
Many thanks to all of the guest editors who have contributed to this project. We’ll be back next week with our regular community-sourced dh+lib Review!
Roxanne Shirazi
Roxanne is a Co-Editor of dh+lib and Adjunct Reference & Digital Outreach Librarian at The Graduate Center, CUNY. She is currently pursuing an M.A. in Liberal Studies (Digital Humanities).
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