Featuring Julie Adamo, Jefferson Bailey, Chelcie Rowell, and Krista White.
The dh+lib Review will be taking a break for a few weeks, returning on June 10th. While the Review editors are away, we’ve asked a few members of our community to step in as guest editors and share their own lists of weekly reading.
Julie Adamo
(Librarian & Instructional Technology Consultant, Mount Holyoke College)
- Who Are You Empowering?
- Who Gets to Graduate?
- Either/Or? Both/And? Difficult Distinctions within the Digital Humanities
- Faking Cultural Literacy
- The Internet of Things Will Thrive by 2025: Summary
- Libraries Now: A Day in the Life
- FemTechNet DOCC 2014 Summer Workshop
- The Metropolitan Museum of Art Releases 400,000 Images Online for Non-Commercial Use
- The Literature of 9/11 [project]
- Future-Proofing the Library
Jefferson Bailey
(Strategic Initiatives Manager, METRO NY Library Council)
- The Differences between Digital History and Digital Humanities
- Mining and Mapping the Production of Space: A View of the World from Houston
- Destroying Archives to Protect Research Ethics
- Dark Matter: The Dark Matter of the Internet is Open, Social, Peer-to-Peer, and Read/Write–and It’s the Future of Museums
- Topic Discovery in Black Metal Lyrics, I
- The Robot Army of Good Enough
- Observing the Web by Understanding the Past: Archival Internet Research [pdf]
- How Cloud Storage Can Address the Needs of Public Archives in the UK [pdf]
- Everything is Broken
Chelcie Rowell
(Digital Initiatives Librarian, Wake Forest University)
- Perceived Inadequacy: A Study of the Imposter Phenomenon among College and Research Librarians
- Representing Cultural Collections in Digital Aggregation and Exchange Environments
- The Complete N00b’s Guide to Mapping in R
- Who Are You Empowering?
Krista White
(Digital Humanities Librarian, Rutgers-Newark)
- Digital Humanities and Its Implications for Libraries and their Patrons: Part 1
- Digital Humanities and Academic Libraries: Practice and Theory, Power and Privilege
- The Schedule is Up and Registration is Open for Data Driven: Digital Humanities in the Library
- DH in the Classroom: Aurelius Digital Humanities Launches Second Project
- Editor’s Choice: Readers Save Legacy Library Content by Crowdsourcing Metadata Games
- The Differences between Digital History and Digital Humanities
- Technology’s Value to Humanities Must Be Made Clearer
If you are interested in participating as a guest editor, email us at dhandlib.acrl [at] gmail.
Roxanne Shirazi
Roxanne is a Co-Editor of dh+lib and Adjunct Reference & Digital Outreach Librarian at The Graduate Center, CUNY. She is currently pursuing an M.A. in Liberal Studies (Digital Humanities).
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