Featuring Heather Martin, Chelcie Rowell, and Krista White.
The dh+lib Review will be taking a break for a few weeks, returning on June 10th. While the Review editors are away, we’ve asked a few members of our community to step in as guest editors and share their own lists of weekly reading.
Heather Martin
(Associate Librarian & Reference Librarian for Arts & Humanities, UAB)
- The Revolution in Asking and Answering Questions
- Barriers vs. Pathways to Student Digital Activism
- Discovering Literature: Romantics and Victorians [project]
- Co-inventing the Curriculum
- Writing and Defending Your Digital Dissertation
Chelcie Rowell
(Digital Initiatives Librarian, Wake Forest University)
- A Design Methodology for Web-Based Sound Archives
- Acceptances to Digital Humanities 2014 (part 1)
- Adding Constraints to Projects for Success
- Digitization’s Most Wanted
- Discommoded by the Archive
- Introducing the New DLF Assessment Working Group
- Lessons Learned from a Cancelled Project
- Managing an Established Digital Humanities Project: Principles and Practices from the Twentieth Year of the William Blake Archive
- Net Neutrality: A Guide to (and History of) a Contested Idea
- TAGAKOR: Biography of an Electronic Record
Krista White
(Digital Humanities Librarian, Rutgers-Newark)
- Fulfill the Promise of the Innovation Union: European Libraries, Archives, and Research Institutions Need Balanced Copyright Laws
- Cold Storage: An Interactive Documentary Project with the metaLAB team
- Case Studies in International Copyright Compliance
- Digital Humanities Overview for Librarians
- Software, Digital Art, Data Curation & Archives! The 2014 NDSA Innovation Award Winners
- Notes from AAS: Language, Crowd-Sourced Online Archives, and Database Access
- The Immense Promise of the Digital Humanities: The Book as Technology
- Queering the Digital Humanities
- CFP: Future Internet Journal – special issue on “Digital Inequalities”
- Archives in the Digital Age: When the Past Meets the Future (May 23, 2014 San Francisco Public Library’s Koret Auditorium)
- Can Digital Humanities Mean Transformative Critique? [from the archives]
- Emotion Markup Language
- The Strange, Secret History of Isaac Newton’s Papers
If you are interested in participating as a guest editor, email us at dhandlib.acrl [at] gmail.
Roxanne Shirazi
Roxanne is a Co-Editor of dh+lib and Adjunct Reference & Digital Outreach Librarian at The Graduate Center, CUNY. She is currently pursuing an M.A. in Liberal Studies (Digital Humanities).
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