A recent post on the PhillyDH blog reports on a conversation among librarians at the University of Pennsylvania about digital humanities and service design. Post author Karrie Peterson posed these questions around library service design:
How can we present a non-fragmented service interface to our constituents?
How can we determine what levels of support we should be offering to a widely diverse field of scholarship using a lot of unique-to-one-project workflows and technologies? Â Which folks in the library should be involved in providing services and what should they do?
How do we build skills?
The librarians broke up into small groups to create “shared mental models” of DH scholarship to address: how to present a unified service interface to users, what levels of support should be offered, who in the library will provide those services, and how librarians should gain the skills necessary to practice digital scholarship.
dh+lib review
This post was produced through a cooperation between Heather Martin, Robin Chin Roemer & Jolie Braun (Editors-at-large for the week), Caro Pinto (Editor for the week), Roxanne Shirazi and Zach Coble (dh+lib Review Editors).