
Overarching resources:

+ Miriam Posner’s bibliography of resources related to “Digital Humanities and the Library.”

+ J. Matthew Huculak’s Zotero bibliography “pertaining to the disciplines and practices of the Digital Humanities and Libraries.”

+ Harriett Green’s recommended readings for “TEI + Digital Literacy.”

+ ARL SPEC Kit 326: “Digital Humanities” (November 2011). [Only TOC and Executive Summary are freely available online.]

+ The CUNY Digital Humanities Resource Guide (originally created by Charlie Edwards in consultation with Matt Gold, maintained by the CUNY Digital Humanities Initiatives).

+ Diane M. Zorich, A Survey of Digital Humanities Centers in the United States. Council on Library and Information Resources pub 143. (November 2008.)

+ Digital Scholarship Centers: Trends and Good Practice. CNI Workshop held April 2, 2014.

+ Diane Goldenberg-Hart, Planning a Digital Scholarship Center 2016: Report of a CNI-ARL Workshop.

+ Kirk Anne, Tara Carlisle, Quinn Dombrowski, et al., Building Capacity for Digital Humanities: A Framework for Institutional Planning. May 30, 2017.

Recent work on Libraries’ and Librarians’ roles in DH:

+ Clifford B. Anderson, ed., Digital Humanities and Libraries and Archives in Religious Studies: An Introduction, (Berlin/Boston: DeGruyter, 2022).

+ Lynne Stahl, “‘An art, not a science?’ LIS, Digital Humanities, and the Call to Undiscipline,” College and Research Libraries News, volume 82, no. 10 (2021).

+ Stacy L. Winchester, Amie D. Freeman, and Kate F. Boyd. “From the Ground Up: Building a Digital Scholarship Program at the University of South Carolina,” South Carolina Libraries: Vol. 5: Iss. 1, Article 5 (2021).

+ Lotte Wilms. “Digital Humanities in European Research Libraries: Beyond Offering Digital Collections.” LIBER Quarterly, volume 31, issue 1 (2021), pp.1–23.

+ Emilia C. Bell & Mary Anne Kennan.Partnering in Knowledge Production: Roles for Librarians in the Digital Humanities.” Journal of the Australian Library and Information Association, Volume 70, Issue 2 (2021), pp. 157-176. DOI: 10.1080/24750158.2021.1907886

+ Yin Zhang, Fangli Su, Brenna Hubschman, “A content analysis of job advertisements for digital humanities-related positions in academic libraries,” The Journal of Academic Librarianship, Volume 47, Issue 1 (2021).

+ Sarah Ames. “Transparency, provenance and collections as data: the National Library of Scotland’s Data Foundry.” LIBER Quarterly, volume 31, issue 1 (2021), pp.1–13.

+ Sarah Ames and Stuart Lewis, “Disrupting the library: Digital scholarship and Big Data at the National Library of Scotland,” Big Data & Society, volume 7, issue 2 (2020).

+ Kathleen Kasten-Mutkus, Laura Costello, and Darren Chase, “Raising Visibility in the Digital Humanities Landscape: Academic Engagement and the Question of the Library’s Role,” DHQ: Digital Humanities Quarterly, vol. 13, no. 2 (2019).

+ Hsuanwei Michelle Chen, “Information visualization skills for academic librarians: A content analysis of publications and online LibGuides in the digital humanities,” Library Hi Tech, 2019.

+ Francesca Giannetti, “‘So near while apart’: Correspondence Editions as Critical Library Pedagogy and Digital Humanities Methodology,” Journal of Academic Librarianship, vol. 45, issue 5 (June 2019).

+ Niamh Wallace and Mary Feeney, “An Introduction to Text Mining: How Libraries Can Support Digital Scholars,” Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries, v. 7, n. 1, (February 2019): p. 23-30.

+ Jolie A. Sheffer and Stefanie Dennis Hunker, “Digital Curation: Pedagogy in the Archives,” Pedagogy: Critical Approaches to Teaching Literature, Language, Composition, and Culture, Volume 19, Issue 1 (January 2019): 79-105

+ Danielle Mihram and Curtis Fletcher, “USC Digital Voltaire: Centering Digital Humanities in the Traditions of Library and Archival Science,” portal: Libraries and the Academy, vol. 19, no. 1 (January 2019): 7-17.

+ Micah Vandegrift, “Digital Humanities + Libraries: Revolution or Evolution?” (Revised version of keynote presentation given November 20, 2018).

+ Alex H. Poole and Deborah A. Garwood, ““Natural allies”: Librarians, archivists, and big data in international digital humanities project work”, Journal of Documentation, Vol. 74, Issue 4 (2018): 804-826.

+ Shannon Lucky and Craig Harkema, “Back to basics: Supporting digital humanities and community collaboration using the core strength of the academic library”, Digital Library Perspectives, vol. 34, no. 3 (2018). (Accepted manuscript version)

+ A. Miller, “Text Mining Digital Humanities Projects: Assessing Content Analysis Capabilities of Voyant Tools,” Journal of Web Librarianship, 12:3, 169-197.

+ Willow F. Dressel, “Research Data Management Instruction for Digital Humanities,” Journal of eScience Librarianship, vol. 6, no. 2 (2017): e1115.

+ Brandon T. Locke, “Digital Humanities Pedagogy as Essential Liberal Education: A Framework for Curriculum Development,” DHQ: Digital Humanities Quarterly, vol. 11, no. 3 (2017).

+ Carolyn Moritz, Rachel Smart, Aaron Retteen, Matthew Hunter, Sarah Stanley, Devin Soper, and Micah Vandegrift, “De-Centering and Recentering Digital Scholarship: A Manifesto,” Journal of New Librarianship, vol. 2, no. 2 (2017)

+ John Russell and Merinda Kaye Hensley, “Beyond Buttonology: Digital Humanities, Digital Pedagogy, and the ACRL Framework,” College & Research Libraries News, vol. 78, no. 11 (2017): 588-591, 600.

+ “The Digital Humanities: Implications for Librarians, Libraries, and Librarianship,” College & Undergraduate Libraries special issue, vol. 24, nos. 2-4 (2017).

+ Merinda Kaye Hensley & Stephanie Davis-Kahl, eds., Undergraduate Research and the Academic Librarian: Case Studies and Best Practices,  Chicago, IL: ACRL, 2017. Includes:

  • Sarah Clayton and Jeffrey M. Widener, “Beyond Embedded Librarianship: Co-Teaching with Faculty to Integrate Digital Scholarship in Undergraduate Research.”
  • Janelle Wertzberger and R.C. Miessler, “Dreaming Big: Library-led Digital Scholarship for Undergraduates at a Small Institution.
  • Lora L. Smallman and Jessica DeSpain, “Informal Learning Teams and the Digital Humanities: A Case Study of Faculty/Librarian Collaboration.”
  • Elizabeth A. Novara and Jessica Enoch, “Transcribing Women’s Diaries in the Digital World.”

+ Pamela Price Mitchem and Dea Miller Rice, “Creating Digital Scholarship Services at Appalachian State University,” portal: Libraries and the Academy, vol. 17, no. 4 (October 2017): 827-841.

+ Lydia Bello, Madelynn Dickerson, Margaret Hogarth, and Ashley Sanders, “Librarians Doing DH: A Team and Project-Based Approach to Digital Humanities in the Library,” Collaborative Librarianship, Vol. 9 : Iss. 2  (2017), Article 6.

+ Jennifer Nichols and Marijel (Maggie) Melo and Jason Dewland. “Unifying Space and Service for Makers, Entrepreneurs, and Digital Scholars.” portal: Libraries and the Academy 17, no. 2 (2017): 363-374.

+ Anna E. Kijas, “An Introduction to Getting Started in the Digital Humanities for Library Professionals,” Music Reference Services Quarterly, vol 20, no 1 (2017): 1-7.

+ John Russell, “Supporting Digital Humanities: The Basics,” Online Searcher, vol 41, no 2 (March/April 2017): 49-52.

+ Merinda Kaye Hensley and Stephen J. Bell, “Digital Scholarship as a Learning Center in the Library: Building Relationships and Educational Initiatives,” College & Research Libraries News, vol. 78, no. 3 (March 2017): 155-158.

+ Rachel Wexelbaum, “Assessing safe spaces for digital scholarship in the library,” LIBRES, vol. 26, no 1 (2016): 14-30.

+ Joshua Kim, “6 Questions for a Digital Humanities Librarian,” Inside Higher Ed Blogs, August 17, 2016.

+ Digital Humanities in the Library/of the Library, dh+lib 2016 special issue.

+ Tibor Koltay, “Library and information science and the digital humanities: Perceived and real strengths and weaknesses,” Journal of Documentation, Vol. 72, Iss: 4 (2016), pp. 781 – 792.

+ John Cox, “Communicating New Library Roles to Enable Digital Scholarship: A Review Article,” New Review of Academic Librarianship, vol. 22, nos. 2-3 (2016): 132-147.

+ John W. White and Heather Gilbert, eds., Laying the Foundations: Digital Humanities in Academic Libraries, West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press, 2016. (open access PDF)

  • Trevor Muñoz, “Recovering a Humanist Librarianship through Digital Humanities”
  • James Baker, “A History of History through the Lens of Our Digital Present, the Traditions That Shape and Constrain Data-Driven Historical Research, and What Librarians Can Do About It”
  • Mary Battle, Tyler Mobley, and Heather Gilbert, “Digital Public History in the Library: Developing the Lowcountry Digital History Initiative at the College of Charleston”
  • Katherine Rawson, “Curating Menus: Digesting Data for Critical Humanistic Inquiry”
  • Seth Kotch, “Many Voices, One Experiment: Building Toward Generous Interfaces for Oral History Collections with Mapping the Long Women’s Movement”
  • Sarah Melton, “The Center That Holds: Developing Digital Publishing Initiatives at the Emory Center for Digital Scholarship”
  • Brian Rosenblum and Arienne Dwyer, “Copiloting a Digital Humanities Center: A Critical Reflection on a Libraries–Academic Partnership”
  • Thea Lindquist, Holley Long, and Alexander Watkins, “Advancing Digital Humanities at CU-Boulder through Evidence-Based Service Design”
  • Benjamin Fraser and Jolanda-Pieta van Arnhem, “A Collaborative Approach to Urban Cultural Studies and Digital Humanities”
  • Harriett Green, “Fostering Assessment Strategies for Digital Pedagogy of Student-Generated Multimodal Digital Scholarship”
  • Stewart Varner, “Library Instruction for Digital Humanities Pedagogy in Undergraduate Classes”

+ Thomas Padilla, “Humanities Data in the Library: Integrity, Form, Access,” D-Lib Magazine, Vol. 22, No. 3/4 (March/April 2016).

+ A. Miller,DS/DH Start-Ups: A Library Model for Advancing Scholarship through Collaboration,” Journal of Web Librarianship, 10:2, 83-100.

+ Elías Tzoc,Libraries and Faculty Collaboration: Four Digital Scholarship Examples,” Journal of Web Librarianship, 10:2, 124-136.

+ Kathleen L. Sacco, Scott S. Richmond, Sara Parme, and Kerrie Fergen Wilkes, eds. Supporting Digital Humanities for Knowledge Acquisition in Modern Libraries. Hershey, PA : Information Science Reference, 2015.

  • Mandi Shepp, “Digitizing the humanities : a future for libraries”
  • Lisa M. McFall, “Beyond the back room : the role of metadata and catalog librarians in digital humanities”
  • Nancy Aarsvold, Kasia Gonnerman, Jason N. Paul, “Shaping the roles of academic librarians to meet emerging demands of DH scholarship”
  • Sigrid Anderson Cordell, Alexa L. Pearce, Melissa Gomis, Justin Joque , “Filling the gap : digital scholarship, graduate students, and the role of the subject specialist”
  • Angela Courtney, Diane Dallis, “Models for partnering with faculty and supporting digital scholarship”
  • Casey Hoeve, Lis Pankl, Mark Crosby, “Digital humanities and librarians : a team-based approach to learning”
  • Cindy Elliott, Mary Feeney, Chris Kollen, Veronica Reyes-Escudero, “A DH state of mind : libraries and the digital humanities”
  • Rebekah Shun Han Wong, Haipeng Li, “An assessment of readiness for supporting digital humanities in Hong Kong academic libraries : evaluating the potential for program development and international collaborations”
  • Nadim Akhtar Khan, Sabiha Zehra Rizvi, Tazeem Zainab, Samah Mushtaq Khan, “Digital humanities in cultural preservation”
  • Rose Fortier, Heather James, “Becoming the Gothic archive : from digital collection to digital humanities
  • Lauren Stern, “Social annotation : a practical guide for collaborative implementation”
  • Justin Schell, Jennie M. Burroughs, Deborah Boudewyns, Cecily Marcus, Scott Spicer, “From digital arts and humanities to DASH”

+ Michelle Dalmau and Kevin Hawkins, “‘Reports of My Death Are Greatly Exaggerated’: Findings from the TEI in Libraries Survey,” Journal of the Text Encoding Initiative, Issue 8 (December 2014-December 2015).

+ Raymond Pun, “Conceptualizing the integration of digital humanities in instructional services: Possibilities to enhance digital literacy in the 21st century,” Library Hi Tech, Vol. 33, Iss: 1 (2015), pp.134 – 142.

+ Ying Zhang, Shu Liu, and Emilee Mathews, “Convergence of Digital Humanities and Digital Libraries,” Library Management, Vol. 36, Iss: 4/5 (2015), pp. 362 – 377.

+ Nisa Bakkalbasi, Damon Jaggars, Barbara Rockenbach, “Re-skilling for the digital humanities: measuring skills, engagement, and learning,” Library Management, Vol. 36, Iss: 3 (2015), pp. 208 – 214.

+ Angela Dresselhaus, “Opportunities beyond Electronic Resource Management: An Extension of the Core Competencies for Electronic Resources Librarians to Digital Scholarship and Scholarly Communications,” The Serials Librarian, Volume 68, Issue 1-4 (2015): 361-369.

+ Alix Keener, “The Arrival Fallacy: Collaborative Research Relationships in the Digital Humanities,” DHQ: Digital Humanities Quarterly 9:2 (2015).

+ Lyn Robinson, Ernesto Priego, and David Bawden. Library and information science and digital humanities: two disciplines, joint future? In: Pehar F, Schlögl C, and Wolff C (eds.). Re-inventing information science in the networked society. Glückstadt: Verlag Werner Hülsbusch, 2015, pp 44-54. (PDF)

+ Arianne Hartsell-Gundy, Laura Braunstein, and Liorah Golomb, eds. Digital Humanities in the Library: Challenges and Opportunities for Subject Specialists. Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries, 2015. (PDF of full volume)

  • Katie Gibson, Marcus Ladd, and Jenny Presnell, “Traversing the Gap: Subject Specialists Connecting Humanities Researchers and Digital Scholarship Centers,” 3-17.
  • Kathleen A. Langan and Ilse Schweitzer VanDonkelaar, “Moderating a Meaningful DH Conversation for Graduate Students in the Humanities,” 19-38.
  • Caro Pinto, “Construction and Disruption: Building Communities of Practice, Queering Subject Liaisons,” 39-51.
  • David D. Oberhelman, “Distant Reading, Computational Stylistics, and Corpus Linguistics: The Critical Theory of Digital Humanities for Literature Subject Librarians,” 53-66.
  • Zoe Borovsky and Elizabeth McAulay, “Digital Humanities Curriculum Support Inside the Library,” 69-81.
  • Elizabeth Lorang and Kathleen A. Johnson, “A Checklist for Digital Humanities Scholarship,” 83-102.
  • Christina Bell, “In Practice and Pedagogy: Digital Humanities in a Small College Environment,” 103-126.
  • Judy Walker, “Digital Humanities for the Rest of Us,” 129-149.
  • Brian Rosenblum, Frances Devlin, Tami Albin, and Wade Garrison, “Collaboration and CoTeaching: Librarians Teaching Digital Humanities in the Classroom,” 151-175.
  • Anu Vedantham and Dot Porter, “Spaces, Skills, and Synthesis,” 177-198.
  • Valla McLean and Sean Atkins, “A Digital Adventure: From Theory to Practice,” 201-224.
  • Laura R. Braunstein, Peter Carini, and Hazel-Dawn Dumpert, “‘And There Was a Large Number of People:’ The Occom Circle Project at the Dartmouth College Library,” 225-240.
  • Liorah Golomb, “Dipping a Toe into the DH Waters: A Librarian’s Experience,” 241-262.
  • Angela Courtney and Michael Courtney, “Second Time Around; or, the Long Life of the Victorian Women Writers Project: Sustainability through Outreach,” 263-275.

+ Thomas G. Padilla and Devin Higgins. “Library Collections as Humanities Data: The Facet Effect.” Public Services Quarterly 10:4 (2014): 324–35. doi:10.1080/15228959.2014.963780 (see also Padilla’s blog post)

+ Sarah Potvin and Roxanne Shirazi, eds., “Make It New? A dh+lib Mini-Series,” dh+lib, June 19, 2013:

Journal of Library Administration special issue, “Digital Humanities in Libraries: New Models for Scholarly Engagement,” (Volume 53, Issue 1, 2013). [Blog post with links to open access versions]

+ Josh Honn and Geoff Morse, “Digital Humanities (101)” (presentation to Northwestern University Library, March 12, 2013; published to dh+lib, March 27, 2013).

+ Trevor Muñoz, “Digital humanities in the library isn’t a service,” (August 19, 2012).

+ Bethany Nowviskie, “reality bytes,” (June 20, 2012).

+ Miriam Posner, “What are some challenges to doing DH in the library?” (August 10, 2012).

+ Ben Showers, “Does the library have a role to play in the Digital Humanities?” JISC Digital Infrastructure Team (February 23, 2012).

+ Tom Scheinfeldt, “Nobody cares about the library: How digital technology makes the library invisible (and visible) to scholars,” Found History (February 22, 2012).

+ Micah Vandegrift, “What is Digital Humanities and What’s it Doing in the Library?” In the Library with the Lead Pipe (June 27, 2012).

+ Geoffrey Little, “We Are All Digital Humanists Now,” Journal of Academic Librarianship, vol. 37, issue 4 (July 2011): 352-354.

+ Amanda Watson, Patricia Hwse, Amanda French, and Christa Williford, “Of Hybrarians, Scholar-Librarians, Academic Refugees, & Feral Professionals,” #alt-academy (May 7, 2011).

+ Rebecca Frost Davis and Quinn Dombrowski, “Divided and Conquered: How Multivarious Isolation is Suppressing Digital Humanities Scholarship,” National Institute for Technology in Liberal Education report (Spring 2011).

+ Hitoshi Kamada, “Digital Humanities: Roles for Libraries?,” C&RL News, vol. 71, no. 9 (October 2010): 484-485. [PDF]

+ Lynne Siemens, “‘It’s a team if you use “reply all” ’: An exploration of research teams in digital humanities environments,” Literary & Linguistic Computing, vol. 24, no. 2 (2009): 225-233.

+ Jeffrey Rydberg-Cox, Digital Libraries and the Challenges of Digital Humanities, Oxford: Chandos Publishing, 2006.


This page is a work in progress. Please contact jer308(at) with suggestions for any resources to be added.

Thanks to contributors to the ACRL DH Discussion Group listserv for surfacing many of these resources.

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