Fordham University’s Digital Scholarship Consortium and Office of Research, in partnership with New York University and Columbia University, invite submissions to “Mapping (In)Justice.” The symposium will be held November 7-8, 2019 in New York, New York.
From the symposium’s website:
This symposium creates space for critically considering digital mapping as both a method and an object of analysis. Specifically, we invite submissions that analyze or utilize spatial media so as to rethink and re-present distributions of capital, power, and privilege in historical, contemporary, and speculative contexts.
Symposium conveners welcome 250-word proposals for Short Papers and Gallery Projects that critically address matters of social (in)justice in historical, contemporary or speculative contexts. 2,000 word papers will be requested prior to the symposium for accepted Short Paper proposals. Panels and keynotes will be live-streamed and the symposium proceedings will be archived in Fordham University’s Institutional Repository. A selection of papers from the symposium proceedings will be invited for inclusion in an edited volume or journal issue.
Proposals are due Monday, April 15, 2019 via their submission form.