CFP: International Internet Preservation Consortium (IIPC) Web Archiving Conference

The 2023 IIPC Web Archiving Conference: Resilience and Renewal issued a call for proposals, open until November 1st, 2022. The conference itself will have in-person and online days. Presentation categories for the in-person days include 20-minute presentations, 60-minute panels, posters and demos (with accompanying 5-minute lightning talks), workshops, and tutorials. Online presentation categories include 20-minute pre-recorded talks with live Q&A, and 45-minute panels. The in-person conference dates are May 11-12, 2023. The CFP invites presentations from seven different catgeories:


  • New possibilities for search and discovery
  • Methods of adding value to access
  • Audiovisual access and tools
  • Ethics for access and use of web archives
  • Integrating web archiving into digital collections: cataloging, metadata, federated search


  • Blurring boundaries between web archives and other digital collections
  • Reuse of web archived materials for other born-digital collections
  • Ethical collecting of the web
  • Using web archiving for non-web archiving workflows, such as routine acquisitions
  • The paper web: traces of web history in paper collections of libraries and archives


  • Growing our community by helping others archive the web
  • Marketing web archive collections
  • Collaborating with content creators
  • Building communities around standards
  • Addressing indigenous data sovereignty


  • Running web archives: best practices,  lessons learned, agile project management
  • Labor in web archiving: staffing, onboarding, training, benchmark for skills
  • Supporting cross-disciplinarity of web archiving teams
  • Institutional workflows


  • Providing tools for researchers
  • Social media archiving and data for researcher access
  • Implications of web archive quality on research
  • Lessons learned from collaborative projects with researchers
  • Best practices for data management and workflows


  • Sustainability of web archiving
  • Sustaining access through digital preservation strategies
  • Resources for tool development and maintenance
  • Working toward a greener web and web archive
  • Developing new WARC standards for screenshots, embedded media, and more


  • Platformification: building tools to handle the appification of the open web
  • Developing tools together through open source
  • More than code: supporting tool development by non-developers
  • Supporting and growing the technical communities around web archiving tools
  • Machine learning
  • Leveraging tools of the past to inform new tool development and tools-based workflows

dh+lib Review

This post was produced through a cooperation between Molly Castro, Tierney Gleason, Matt Davis, Kristen Totleben, Cassie Tanks, and Alix Keener (Editors-at-Large), Caitlin Christian-Lamb and Hillary Richardson (Editors for the week), Nickoal Eichmann-Kalwara, Linsey Ford, Pamella Lach, and Rachel Starry (dh+lib Review Editors), and John Russell (Editor in Chief).