CFP: Inclusive Pedagogies and Services

From guest editors of a forthcoming Reference Services Review issue, Dr. Kawanna Bright and Dr. Mónica Colón-Aguirre, comes a Call for Papers regarding Inclusive Pedagogies and Services.

From the Call:

How do we create cultures of inclusivity in libraries where librarians not only value inclusive principles, but enact them in meaningful ways? Reference Services Review (RSR) seeks abstract proposals for Volume 52 Issue 4 – a special issue on inclusive pedagogies and services that offers examples, models, and theories to more fully realize inclusive academic, special, and/or public libraries. Inclusive pedagogies and services are those that promote equitable and socially just learning environments and services while also working to enable all students and users an equal opportunity to succeed. This necessarily entails investigating societal, cultural, economic, and various other systems that have historically and continue to marginalize certain populations.

RSR is interested in a broad range of pedagogical- and service-focused inclusivity initiatives. The editors aim to spark a new dialogue for scholar-practitioner librarians, curating diverse perspectives while also being realistic about the challenges this topic presents. Important work is being done to improve inclusivity and this issue will attempt to present these efforts in a single, coherent intellectual space.

Authors should be explicit about the theory guiding their work. Some examples include but are not limited to: critical pedagogy, universal design for learning, Indigenous epistemologies, and Queer theory. Different type of papers include:

  • Quantitative, qualitative, and mixed method research studies.
    • A study designed to explore potential correlations between librarian preparation and knowledge of inclusive pedagogies and practices.
    • A phenomenological investigation of the experience of integrating inclusive pedagogies into the classroom environment.
  • Viewpoint or conceptual paper. Possible topics include:
    • Reflections on core concepts pertaining to inclusivity in library service points or pedagogy., i.e., How can librarians be visible, energetic allies for minoritized populations in the classroom?
    • Reflections on the long-term consequences for how library services will change as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Case study. Possible topics include:
    • Studies that explore the challenges faced by librarians advocating for a marginalized community in a certain disciplinary classroom environment.
    • Studies that focus on the work that library/archive associations and/or library consortia are doing towards advancing inclusivity at scale.
    • Collaborations between institutions highlighting differences and commonalities in applying inclusive pedagogies in a public service point.
  • Literature review. Possible topics include:
    • Annotation and/or critique of the literature on practices for inclusivity and other related topics in library systems or technology.
    • Overview or examination of ongoing inclusivity practices in libraries.

This Call may be of interest to dh+lib community practitioners as a potential venue for sharing out ongoing work related to digital humanities pedagogy and library services.

Proposal submission deadline: March 31, 2023. Topic proposals should be submitted via the form. See the full announcement for further details.

dh+lib Review

This post was produced through a cooperation between Kayla Abner, Lisa Bonifacic, Carla Brooks, Ruth Carpenter, Tierney Gleason, Jennifer Matthews, Danelle Orange, Rebecca Saunders and Jennifer AW Stubbs (Editors-at-Large), Pamella Lach and Rachel Starry (Editors for the week), Caitlin Christian-Lamb, Nickoal Eichmann-Kalwara, Linsey Ford, Hillary Richardson (dh+lib Review Editors), and John Russell (Editor in Chief).