From 17-19 May 2022, The Association for Computers and the Humanities (ACH) and the Canadian Society for Digital Humanities/société canadienne des humanités numériques (CSDH/SCHN) will hold DH Unbound.
From the call:
Conference Focus
DH Unbound 2022 is guided by ACH and CSDH/SCHN’s commitments to equity and justice. The conference recognizes that digital humanities scholarship is inextricably sociopolitical. Therefore, we have chosen to forgo a theme to emphasize the inherent sociopolitical nature of the work and encourage all proposal writers to explicitly address the sociopolitical stakes of their work.
DH Unbound 2022 prioritizes proposals that focus on social justice in multiple contexts: anti-racist work, Indigenous studies, cultural and critical ethnic studies, intersectional feminism, postcolonial and decolonial studies, and queer studies.
We also prioritize proposals that explicitly address multilingualism in digital humanities, which is itself a matter of social justice. Examples of topics include: multilingual metadata, linked open data, preservation, and dissemination of endangered languages, OCR for non-Latin scripts, methods for right-to-left languages, tools and interfaces for multilingual digital humanities, multilingual pedagogies, and multilingual corpora.
Conference Scope
Areas of digital humanities scholarship that are relevant to the conference include but are not limited to:
- Digital and computational approaches to humanistic research and pedagogy
- Digital cultural heritage
- Digital surveillance
- Digital humanities tools and infrastructures
- Digital librarianship
- Digital media, art, literature, history, music, film, and games
- Digital public humanities
- Environmental humanities & climate justice
- Humanistic and ethical approaches to data science and data visualization
- Humanistic research on digital objects and cultures
- Humanities knowledge infrastructures
- Labor and organization in digital humanities
- Physical computing
- Resource creation, curation, and engagement
- Use of digital technologies to write, publish, and review scholarship
As a conference committed to cross-disciplinary engagement, DH Unbound 2022 welcomes interdisciplinary proposals. We are also especially interested in receiving proposals from participants with a range of expertise and a variety of roles, including alt-ac positions, employment outside of higher education, and graduate students. We further invite proposals from participants who are newcomers to digital humanities.
Submission Information
We welcome the following submission types:
- Papers (12-15 minutes): Dynamic presentations that share experiments, works-in-progress, or sustained reflections on outcomes of more complete project while engaging a range of participants and fostering connections and dialogue.
- Lightning Talks (5 minutes): Highly focused presentations that succinctly introduce a topic, method, tool, project, or work-in-progress to catalyze ideas and foster follow-up discussion. To propose a session with multiple lightning talks, please propose a panel or roundtable.
- Posters (poster session): Poster proposals present work on any relevant topic or offer project, tool, and software demonstrations in any stage of development. Poster presenters will record a brief (5 minutes, maximum) video to accompany their poster and will join the conference platform during the poster session for synchronous conversations with attendees.
- Panels (1 hour and 15 minutes): Engaging sessions that facilitate dialogue between presentations that are largely independent, highlighting connections between projects, methods or themes and reserving a minimum of 15 minutes for discussion with the audience.
- Roundtables (1 hour and 15 minutes): Sessions for which speakers provide brief interventions or framing on a cohesive set of issues, keywords, methods, and/or themes, reserving a minimum of 30 minutes for discussion among speakers and the audience.
- Installations and Performances (installation/performance session): Art work, creative data visualizations, performances, demonstrations and other critical interventions that engage conference issues, methods, and themes. Installation and performance presenters will record a video of their presentation or installation and will join the conference platform during the performance session for synchronous conversation with attendees.
- Alternate Format (variable length): Given the experimental possibilities of a virtual conference, we encourage those proposing sessions to consider alternate formats. When proposing a session of this type, please describe your session and indicate a preferred time length.
The deadline for submissions is 12 January 2022. Submit a proposal here.
dh+lib Review
This post was produced through a cooperation between Kayla Abner, Lisa Bonifacic, Erin Burns, Tierney Gleason, David Gustavsen, Anne Le-Huu-Pineault, Jennifer Matthews, Robin Miller, Meave M. Sheehan, Rebecca Saunders, Cassie Tanks, Kristen Totleben, Richard Wade, and Johannah White (Editors-at-large for the week), Linsey Ford and Nickoal Eichmann-Kalwara (Editors for the week), and Caitlin Christian-Lamb and and Pamella Lach (dh+lib Review Editors).