The University of Michigan Press/Michigan Publishing and the University of Michigan Library IT announced the beta launch of the new digital tool, Fulcrum. This platform uses the Hydra/Fedora Framework and “helps publishers present the full richness of their authors’ research outputs in a durable, discoverable, and flexible form.” During this beta phase, the platform will feature its ...
The rOpenSci project has released tabulizer, an R package that provides bindings to the Tabula java library. Tabula is a tool for extracting data from PDF tables: If youâve ever tried to do anything with data provided to you in PDFs, you know how painful it is â there’s no easy way to copy-and-paste rows ...
North Carolina State University has announced the unveiling of a new tool, Big Data Infrastructure Visualization Application, or BigDIVA. BigDIVA, created by digital humanities scholars from NC State and Texas A&M University, will allow users to search thousands of scholarly articles and archival items spanning from 450 A.D. to the 20th century, using a visual ...
The British Library Digital Scholarship blog posted an update on the Text to Image Linking Tool (TILT), which was one of the winners of the British Library Labs Competition 2014. TILT tackles the challenge of making manuscripts machine readable by “link[ing] the transcription to the page-image at the word-level.” Here’s how the tool works: As the user moves ...
In this post, Quinn Dombrowski (UC Berkeley) and Jody Perkins (Miami University in Ohio) introduce the digital humanities taxonomy project known as TaDiRAH, reviewing the motivating factors behind its inception and outlining future goals of the project. Both are members of the TaDiRAH Coordinating Committee. TaDiRAH, the Taxonomy of Digital Research Activities in the Humanities, ...
Geoffrey Rockwell has written a post introducing etcML (Easy Text Classification Machine Learning) a new, freely available, text analysis tool developed at Stanford. The tool’s “primary mode of analysis is ‘classification,’ which you can think of as automatic categorization”: The tool allows you to pass a text (or a Twitter hashtag) to an existing classifier like the ...
North Carolina State University released a new, open source tool that harvests Instagram images that use the hashtag #HuntLibrary. Initially created to collect images for a Library Journal supplement about Library by Design, the project evolved into a larger community building effort that resulted in more than 2500 images added to the collection. âNCSU Libraries ...
The University College London (UCL) Centre for Digital Humanities, in collaboration with the UCL Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, has released Textal. Textal is a free iOS app “that allows users to analyze documents, web pages and tweet streams, exploring the relationships between words in the text via an intuitive word cloud interface. The app ...
Lincoln Mullen, PhD candidate at Brandeis University, has created the Catalog Search plugin for Omeka, which builds upon Omeka’s Library of Congress Subject Heading plugin to search Archive Grid, the DPLA, Google Books, Google Scholar, the Hathi Trust, JSTOR, the Library of Congress, and WorldCat based on subject heading. See it in action at the ...
The Open Knowledge Foundation has announced the release of CKAN, an open source data management system that provides tools to streamline publishing, sharing, finding and using data. CKAN is intended for large and small data publishers, and will soon power, the U.S. government open data portal that will soon be seeing a spike in ...
On ProfHacker, Konrad Lawson reports on the limitations of GitHub for writers, the last in a series of posts introducing and reviewing GitHub (with a posting on alternatives to GitHub in the works). He writes: GitHub, in its current form, can serve the needs of writers and scholars, just as it currently serves programmers, and ...