PROJECT: Open Syllabus Project (post updated)

In the New York Times, Joe Karaganis (Columbia University) and David McClure (Stanford University Library), announced the Open Syllabus Project, an open platform that aggregates more than 1 million syllabi and allows users to explore them via its Syllabus Explorer tool. At present, the Syllabus Explorer is mostly a tool for counting how often texts ...

PROJECT: Open Syllabus Project

Note from the dh+lib Review editors: Please see the updated version of this post. David Weinberger (Harvard Library Innovation Lab) announced the launch of the Open Syllabus Project (OSP) and its Syllabus Explorer in a recent blog post: The OSP is an open platform that so far has aggregated over a million syllabi. At the beta version of their ...

PROJECT: Digitizing History: The South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission Archive

Bernard C. Moore (Michigan State University) has published a post on MSU’s Cultural Heritage Informatics Initiative blog, detailing the South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) Truth and Reconciliation Commission website. Moore opens by describing the impetus behind the project and its construction. Launched in coordination with the South African History Archive in 2013, in commemoration of ...

PROJECT: ‘A Shaky Truce’: Starkville Civil Rights Struggles, 1960-1980

The Mississippi State University History Department and Libraries have launched a digital history project entitled ‘A Shaky Truce’: Starkville Civil Rights Struggles, 1960-1980. Developed by a cross-disciplinary team of faculty, librarians, graduate and undergraduate students, the project documents two decades of civil rights struggles in Starkville, MS. The purpose of this project is to tell a ...

PROJECT: RRCHNM to Build Software to Help Researchers Organize Digital Photographs

The Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media at George Mason University has announced a new project to develop open source software to help researchers organize digital photographs, funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. The tool, which will be called Tropy, is a response to the challenges of managing large collections of images ...

PROJECT: Open Library of Humanities

The Open Library of Humanities announced the launch of their platform with an editorial by directors Martin Paul Eve and Caroline Edwards. Launched after more than two years of planning, with supporting membership funding, OLH represents “the seed of a scalable model for journal transition to open access in the humanities that does not rely on payment from authors ...

PROJECT: The Generative Literature Project

Hybrid Pedagogy Publishing introduced the Generative Literature Project, “which is producing a crowdsourced, gamified digital novel about a murder.” The post also helps define the genre: …a specific form of literature which challenges some aspects of classical literature.  Frequently associated with the power of the machine (read computer), generative literature is often understood as the production ...

PROJECT: Around DH in 80 Days

Around DH in 80 Days has begun introducing a new DH project from around the globe, one on each day beginning June 20, 2014 (follow #arounddh on Twitter or subscribe to the RSS feed). The project “seeks to introduce new and veteran audiences to the global field of DH scholarly practice” as a way to both discover current ...

RESOURCE: Manuscriptlink

The Coalition for Networked Information (CNI) released several videos recently from their spring membership meeting, including video of a talk by Eric J. Johnson (Ohio State University) about a digital humanities initiative called Manuscriptlink. Together with a tools and metadata, Manuscriptlink “provides a worldwide ‘collective collection’ of virtual manuscripts from ca. 800 to ca. 1600, drawn from thousands of individual ...

PROJECT: ieldran, the Early Anglo-Saxon Cemetery Mapping Project

Katy Myers (Michigan State University) announced that ieldran, the Early Anglo-Saxon Cemetery Mapping Project built as part of the Cultural Heritage Informatics Initiative (a partnership between Michigan State’s Department of Anthropology and Matrix), is live. The Early Anglo-Saxon Cemetery Mapping Project provides locations, summaries, and information about citation and collections for numerous cemeteries from the mid-5th to early 7th century ...


MIT’s SENSEable City Laboratory has shared HubCab, “an interactive map that captures the more than 170 million unique taxi trips that were made by around 13,500 taxi cabs within the City of New York in 2011.” More than a fascinating snapshot of a year in transit in New York City, the “analysis introduces the novel concept ...