PROJECT: DĂ­a de los muertos: Altar digital

Día de los muertos: Altar digital is an ArcGIS StoryMap journey through Hispanic literary heritage. It walks users through different authors, elements, and works that are placed on an ofrenda, created in 2020 by Roselia Bañuelos, Chris Flakus, Julio Antonio Molinete, Elías David Navarro, María Sånchez Carbajo, Alonzo Silavong, and Katerin Zapata at the University ...

PROJECT: Dunham’s Data

Dunham’s Data: Katherine Dunham and Digital Methods for Dance Historical Inquiry, is a collaboration between Kate Elswit (University of London) and Harmony Bench (Ohio State University), and investigates problematizes the analysis and visualization of meaningful data in dance history. Through the case study of choreographer Katherine Dunham, the team has manually cataloged “daily itineraries of Dunham’s ...

PROJECT: The Latino Catskills Project

Recovering the US Hispanic Literary Heritage (University of Houston) announces the launch of a new digital project, The Latino Catskills, designed to “resituates the rural Catskills region, located 100 miles northwest of New York City, as a generative space of Latino culture and identities” by focusing on the “countless Spaniards, Cubans, Puerto Ricans, and others ...

PROJECT: Juncture

JSTOR Labs announced a new project, Juncture: Juncture is a free-to-use, open source framework for converting simple text files into an engaging visual essay. A visual essay is an interactive and responsive web page that augments a text narrative with visual elements to provide depth and context. With Juncture you can create a single essay ...

PROJECT: Printed Pathways in US Latino Periodicals

Recovering the US Hispanic Literary Heritage’s US Latino Digital Humanities program (USLDH) launched a new digital project, Printed Pathways in US Latino Periodicals. According to a recent news release, this “is a comprehensive authority list that contains robust bibliographic information about Latina/o authors and poets who published in US Latino periodicals. With over 4,800 records, ...


Huber Digital has released PRISMS, or PRImary Source Materials & Scholarship, a collaborative and open scholarship tool for publishing, collaboration, and analysis of digital editions with primary source materials. PRISMS is a flexible Open Scholarship platform, with the potential to aggregate all digitised primary source material, and the associated scholarship, in a semantic network. It ...

PROJECT: AEOLIAN (Artificial Intelligence for Cultural Organisations)

A new digital humanities project, AEOLIAN (Artificial Intelligence for Cultural Organisations), is “designed to investigate the role that Artificial Intelligence (AI) can play to make born-digital and digitised cultural records more accessible to users.” The project is funded by the New Directions for Digital Scholarship grant from the US National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) ...

PROJECT: The Endings Project

In digital humanities librarianship work, we have many terms for project “endings,” from sunsetting and decommissioning, to reincarnating and archiving. All of these ask the same questions that the Endings Project aims to address: “How do and how should DH projects conclude?” Funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), the ...

PROJECT: Digital Humanities Net/Works

Launched in December 2020 through the University of Buffalo Libraries, Digital Humanities Net/Works is an online forum and journal that offers opportunities for the “the exchange of ideas among DH practitioners on the most significant questions or issues in our field and on ways to rethink technology and online structures in order to make them ...

PROJECT: Victoria and Albert Museum Digital Platform

The Victoria and Albert (V&A) Museum has announced the launch of a new digital platform for exploring “more than 1.2 million objects spanning 5,000 years of history in its collections of art, design and performance.” While the project has been in development for two years, its release compensates for the museum’s ongoing closure due to ...

PROJECT: Japan Disasters Digital Archive Project

The Japan Disasters Digital Archive (JDA) is an advanced search engine for materials “from all over the web, individuals’ testimonials, tweets, prominently including content from international partners who are building digital repositories about the disasters” of 2011. In addition to facilitating searching through the archive’s materials, users can also use the site to create their own curated ...