CFP: Survey on Digital Humanities/Digital Skills Workshops

The Implementing New Knowledge Environment (INKE) invites people who have taken part in a digital humanities or digital skills workshop in the last five years (2019-2023) as a learner, instructor, and/or organizer to participate in a survey about Digital Humanities/Digital Skills Workshops. From the survey instrument: If you HAVE ATTENDED, TAUGHT, and/or ORGANIZED digital humanities/digital ...

SURVEY: Minicomp/Wax Community Feedback

Before work begins on Wax 2.0, Marii Nyrop and Alex Gil are looking to learn from the community about what has worked, what hasn’t, what would be great to have. They have prepared a survey (and an optional follow up) to help gather feedback. You can also share your own Wax site using their other ...

CFParticipation: Digital Preservation Services in Digital Scholarship Centers Survey Participation

Digital humanities/digital scholarship librarians and staff are invited to participate in a brief online survey about digital preservation practices at digital scholarship centers (including digital humanities centers) in the United States. This survey is primarily multiple-choice, and we anticipate it will take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete. This research is focused on digital scholarship centers, including digital humanities ...

CFParticipation: Digital Preservation Outreach + Education Training Needs Assessment

Barrie Howard (Library of Congress) has written a post inviting participation in the 2014 Digital Preservation Outreach and Education (DPOE) Training Needs Assessment Survey. The DPOE Program of the Library of Congress is concerned with “building a collaborative network of instructors and partners to provide training to individuals and organizations seeking to preserve their digital content.” The survey aims ...

RESOURCE: The Lib Pub blog

Lib Pub, a new group blog on library publishing, launched in January 2013. As blog founder Melanie Schlosser, the Digital Publishing Librarian at Ohio State University Libraries, writes in an introductory post: “Publishing efforts in libraries are becoming more and more common, but there aren’t yet a lot of venues for those involved to come ...

Do You TEI? A Survey of Text Encoding Practices in Libraries

CALL FOR PARTICIPATION! If you work in a library and have any experience with text encoding projects, from web development to project management, please consider participating in a new survey, available here. Completing the survey should take no more than 30 minutes, and will help academic libraries develop strategic initiatives based on current practice. From the ...