DHIG at ALA Annual: Leadership Opportunities, Panels, Meetups

Headed to ALA Annual? There will be a lot of opportunities for interacting with colleagues working at the intersection of digital humanities and libraries. At the Digital Humanities Interest Group (DHIG) meeting, self-nominated 2017-2018 Convener candidates will present briefly to the membership. All interested individuals are encouraged to submit self-nominations by June 24. Attendance at ALA Annual ...

We’re Looking for dh+lib Review Editors-at-Large for Summer 2015

The dh+lib Review, a volunteer-driven service for highlighting and sharing the best of digital humanities and libraries, is looking for editors-at-large for Summer 2015. Sign up for a shift today! dh+lib Review posts appear on the dh+lib homepage, in a weekly newsletter sent to the ACRL Digital Humanities Interest Group listserv, and in our Twitter ...

We’re Looking for dh+lib Review Editors-at-Large for Spring 2015

The dh+lib Review, a volunteer-driven service for highlighting and sharing the best of digital humanities and libraries, is looking for editors-at-large for the Spring 2015 semester. We’ve had a steadily increasing number of editors-at-large for each of the six semesters the Review has been in operation, and we’re hoping to continue the trend. Sign up for a ...

We’re Looking for dh+lib Review Editors-at-Large for Fall 2014

The dh+lib Review, a volunteer-driven service for highlighting and sharing the best of digital humanities and libraries, is looking for editors-at-large for the Fall 2014 semester. We’ve had a steadily increasing number of editors-at-large for each of the five semesters the Review has been in operation, and we’re hoping to continue the trend. Sign up ...

We’re Looking for dh+lib Review Editors-at-Large for Summer 2014

The dh+lib Review, a volunteer-driven service for highlighting and sharing the best of digital humanities and libraries, is looking for editors-at-large for the Summer 2014 semester. We’ve had a steadily increasing number of editors-at-large for each of the four semesters the Review has been in operation, and we’re hoping to continue the trend. Sign up ...

We’re Looking for dh+lib Review Editors-at-Large for Spring

The dh+lib Review, a volunteer-driven service for highlighting and sharing the best of digital humanities and libraries, is looking for editors-at-large for the Spring 2014 semester. We’ve had a steadily increasing number of editors-at-large for each of the three semesters the Review has been in operation, and we’re hoping to continue the trend. Sign up ...

dh+lib Guide to ALA Annual 2013

To aid in navigating the behemoth that is the ALA Annual Conference, we’ve compiled a list of sessions that intersect in some way with the digital humanities. Thanks to all who responded to our call for suggestions. Have a session you’d like us to add? Shoot us an email or find us on twitter @dhandlib. ...

We’re Looking for dh+lib review Editors-at-Large for Summer

The dh+lib review, a volunteer-driven service for highlighting and sharing the best of digital humanities and libraries, is looking for editors-at-large for the summer. We had a strong response for the spring semester and have featured a lot of great content, and we are looking to carry the momentum into the summer. Sign up for ...

Responses to our dh+lib survey: digest version

In March 2012, a conversation bubbled up on the newly-created ACRL Digital Humanities discussion group (DH DG) listserv about the need for a blog or online resource for those of us “big tent” information professionals– librarians, archivists, curators, and students–engaged with digital humanities. When the group assembled at the June 2012 ALA Annual conference in Anaheim ...