Taking Action: Ethics, Outcomes, and Hope

Yasmeen Shorish is Associate Professor and Data Services Coordinator at James Madison University. Yasmeen is the Chair of the ACRL Research and Scholarly Environment Committee, Co-Founder of the Digital Library Federation Technologies of Surveillance Group, and Co-PI of the IMLS funded Supporting OA collections in the open: community requirements and principles. Yasmeen holds an M.S. ...

Data Librarianship: A Path and an Ethic

Vicky Steeves is the Librarian for Research Data Management and Reproducibility at New York University – a dual appointment between NYU’s Division of Libraries and Center for Data Science. Vicky contributes to ReproZip, is a co-founder of LIS Scholarship Archive, and developed Women Working in Openness – an effort initiated by April Hathcock. Vicky holds a ...

Bias, Perception, and Archival Praxis

Elvia Arroyo-Ramirez is Processing Archivist for Latin American Collections at Princeton University Library. Elvia holds an MLIS with a concentration in Archives, Preservation, and Records Management from the University of Pittsburgh. She has presented widely on digital archives and diversity and is co-author with Rose L. Chou, Jenna Friedman, Simone Fujita, and Cynthia Mari Orozco ...

Engaging Open Cultural Data

Mia Ridge is a Digital Curator, working within the Digital Scholarship team at the British Library. Mia holds a PhD in Digital Humanities (Department of History, Open University). She has published and presented widely on user experience design, human-computer interaction, open cultural data, audience engagement and participation in the cultural heritage sector, and digital history. Her ...

Situated Interpretation, Capacious Computation, Empowered Discovery

Tanya Clement is Assistant Professor in the School of Information at the University of Texas at Austin. Her research centers on scholarly information infrastructure as it impacts academic research, research libraries, and the creation of research tools and resources in the digital humanities. She has published in a wide range of publications including Cultural Analytics, Digital Humanities ...

Digital Humanities In the Library / Of the Library

What are the points of contact between digital humanities and libraries? What is at stake, and what issues arise when the two meet? Where are we, and where might we be going? Who are “we”? By posing these questions in the CFP for a new dh+lib special issue, the editors hoped for sharp, provocative meditations on ...

DHIG at ALA Annual: Leadership Opportunities, Panels, Meetups

Headed to ALA Annual? There will be a lot of opportunities for interacting with colleagues working at the intersection of digital humanities and libraries. At the Digital Humanities Interest Group (DHIG) meeting, self-nominated 2017-2018 Convener candidates will present briefly to the membership. All interested individuals are encouraged to submit self-nominations by June 24. Attendance at ALA Annual ...

Human Rights and Archival Practice: Equality, Inclusion, Accountability

Yvonne Ng is Senior Archivist at WITNESS, an organization that “trains and supports activists and citizens around the world to use video safely, ethically, and effectively to expose human rights abuse and fight for human rights change.” Yvonne currently serves on the Advisory Board of Documenting the Now, and previously worked as a Research Fellow for ...

Community Oriented Research Data Curation and Reuse

Ixchel Faniel is a Research Scientist at OCLC Research. Faniel has conducted extensive research into how various disciplinary communities approach research data reuse. Faniel served as Principal Investigator on the Institute for Museum and Library Services funded DIPIR (Dissemination Information Packages for Information Reuse). Thomas: Believe it or not, I think you may be the first ...

LES/DHIG Meetup at ALA Midwinter 2016

Braving the cold at ALA Midwinter 2016? Interested in literature, Digital Humanities, or libraries? Join the Digital Humanities Interest Group and the Literatures in English Section of ACRL on Saturday, January 9, 6:00-8:00 PM for an informal meetup at Tap Trailhouse, 19 Union Street, Boston. Amanda Rust, Laura Braunstein, and Thomas Padilla will be there as organizers of the ...

Museum as Play: Iteration, Interactivity, and the Human Experience

Sebastian Chan is Chief Experience Officer at the Australian Centre for the Moving Image. Previously he held positions as Director of Digital & Emerging Media at the Cooper Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum and Head of Digital, Social and Emerging Technologies at the Powerhouse Museum. His work spans consideration of digital and physical spaces and has been recognized by organizations ...