Announcing New Editors-in-Chief at dh+lib

We are pleased to announce that Sarah Melton (Boston College), John Russell (Penn State University), and Patrick Williams (Syracuse University) have signed on as the new Editors-in-Chief of dh+lib. All three have contributed to the project in various capacities: Sarah as a Review Editor (since 2017), John as editor of the Resources page (since 2015), ...

POST: The Gospel of Unicode: Digital Love Letter(s) and Art Through Numbers

Sarah Bond (University of Iowa) has written a blog post reflecting on a recent news item she reported in Hyperallergic discussing the proposed addition of over 2,000 hieroglyphs into Unicode. In “The Gospel of Unicode: Digital Love Letter(s) and Art Through Numbers,” Bond gives a brief introduction into the development of Unicode and its use ...

RESOURCE: FAIR Principles for Library, Archive and Museum Collections

Lukas Koster and Saskia Woutersen-Windhouwer (both University of Amsterdam) have published an article in the Code4Lib Journal entitled, “FAIR Principles for Library, Archive, and Museum Collections: A Proposal for Standards for Reusable Collections“: In this article[2] we propose a body of requirements for making LAM collections findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable (FAIR), as well as ...

RESOURCE: New NER Toolchain and Demo

The Semantic Lab at Pratt Institute has unveiled a new Named Entity Recognition (NER) toolchain and demo, in which six NER tools are combined into a single “dockerized” server to “lower the difficulty in leveraging them.” The tools used are: DBpedia Spotlight Stanford NLP (using the english.muc.7class.distsim.crf.ser.gz classifier) NLTK trained on the Groningen Meaning Bank ...

CFP: Data in Digital Humanities (EADH Conference)

The European Association for Digital Humanities (EADH) invites proposals for its inaugural annual conference, taking place December 7-9, 2018, at the National University of Ireland, Galway. The conference theme is “Data in Digital Humanities,” and the organizers seek topics including (but not limited to): Historical perspectives on data Relationships between information, archives, documents and data ...

CFP: Digital Scholarship: Expanding Access, Activism, and Advocacy

The organizers of the 2018 Bucknell Digital Scholarship Conference (October 5-7, 2018) have issued a call for proposals for presentations addressing the theme, “Digital Scholarship: Expanding Access, Activism, and Advocacy.” Topics from the call include: Accessibility of digital platforms and technology Access to resources to engage in or produce digital scholarship Digital scholarship and social ...

JOB: Data Services and Digital Scholarship Librarian, UC Santa Barbara

From the announcement: The UC Santa Barbara Library seeks a collaborative, dynamic, service-oriented librarian to foster excellence in digital scholarship and teaching through the delivery of innovative reference and instructional services to the campus community in the areas of social media, textual, numeric, and demographic data. The successful candidate will support data- and computation-intense researchers ...

POST: Parsimony and Elegance as Objectives for Digital Curation Processes

Trevor Owens (Library of Congress) has written a thoughtful post introducing some themes around simplicity and complexity in digital preservation, in the context of maintenance, repair and an ethics of care. In “Parsimony and Elegance as Objectives for Digital Curation Processes,” Owens positions “unnecessary complexity” as a threat to sustainability while framing minimalism as the ...

POST: Reflections on Code4Lib 2018

The ACRL Techconnect blog has published “Reflections on Code4Lib 2018,” featuring contributions from Ashley Blewer, Bohyun Kim, and Eric Phetteplace. The three authors each discuss presentations that resonated with them, and helpfully link out to recordings and slides when available. Brewer, discussing Amy Wickner’s presentation on web archives, notes: Wickner, citing Terry Cook, spoke of ...

POST: Moving Ahead with Support for Digital Humanities

Quinn Dombrowski (University of California, Berkeley) and Joan Lippincott (Coalition for Networked Information) have published an article in the Educause Review introducing ways library and IT departments can develop comprehensive support for digital humanities at the campus level. “Moving Ahead with Support for Digital Humanities” summarizes a recent Educause/CNI whitepaper, Building Capacity for Digital Humanities: ...

RESOURCE: A Digital Humanities Reading List, Part 4 – The Role of Libraries

LIBER‘s (Ligue des Bibliothèques Européennes de Recherche – Association of European Research Libraries) Digital Humanities & Digital Cultural Heritage Working Group closes out their “Digital Humanities Reading List” series with a fourth and final post on the role of libraries: This theme examines a challenging question: what is the role of libraries in digital humanities? ...