OPPORTUNITY: “Taking TEI Further: Customizing the TEI”

A reminder that there is still time to apply for the NEH-funded “Taking TEI Further: Customizing the TEI,” offered at Brown University. The seminar, which takes place May 8-10, 2013, has no registration fee and travel funding is available.

Deadline to apply is February 15th.

For further details and information about the seminar series, check out this announcement.


dh+lib aggregated content

This post was produced through a collaboration involving Jessica Brangiel (Aggregation Editor-at-Large for the week) and Roxanne Shirazi (Aggregation Editor for the week), with editorial assistance from Zach Coble and Sarah Potvin. For further details on the dh+lib aggregation process, see: https://dhandlib.org/2013/01/30/introducing-the-dhlib-aggregator/