PROJECT: Open Access Pilot for Latin American Monographs

The Latin American Research Resources Project (LARRP) is collaborating with the Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO), JSTOR, and Latin American bookseller García Cambeiro on a pilot project that will work to introduce a “sustainable Open Access model for monographs to be developed and supported by the library community.”

The first phase of the pilot project is making 200 ebooks available on an Open Access basis on JSTOR. The collaboration will initially cover CLACSO’s frontlist titles published in Argentina in 2018-2019. Nearly one hundred titles in 17 disciplines across the social sciences and humanities are already available on JSTOR, and the pilot will reach 200 titles this fall.

Though they have only been available for a short time, the titles have been quite popular, with upwards of 26,000 chapter views and downloads in more than 150 countries.

This project is funded by the following LARRP member libraries: NYU, Columbia University, the New York Public Library, Harvard University, Princeton University, the University of Texas at Austin, the University of Pittsburgh, and Duke University.

Librarians who use digitized content for their work, particularly those who focus on Latin American studies, may be interested in this project as if provides easy, free access to material.

dh+lib review

This post was produced through a cooperation between Heather Rogers, Jennifer Matthews, Anne McDivitt, Jade Bruno, David Gustavsen, Conor Dugan, and Janani Ravikumar (Editors-at-large for the week), Linsey Ford (Editor for the week), and Caitlin Christian-Lamb, Nickoal Eichmann-Kalwara, Pamella Lach, and Ian Goodale (dh+lib Review Editors).