RESOURCE: Best of Both Worlds: Museums, Libraries, and Archives in a Digital Age 2

G. Wayne Clough, the Secretary of the Smithsonian Insitution, recently published a freely available ebook outlining the efforts of libraries, archives, and museums like the Smithsonian, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and the British Library to create and sustain digital strategies while maintaining meaningful in-person experiences. Clough calls for collaboration among institutions as well as philanthropic support as library, museums, and archives transition fully into the digital age.

dh+lib review

This post was produced through a cooperation between Natalie Bulick, Lisa Gayhart, Jolie Braun, and Anu Paul (Editors-at-Large for the week), Caro Pinto (Editor for the week), and Roxanne Shirazi, Zach Coble, and Sarah Potvin (dh+lib Review Editors).

2 thoughts on “RESOURCE: Best of Both Worlds: Museums, Libraries, and Archives in a Digital Age

  1. “RESOURCE: Best of Both Worlds: Museums, Libraries, and Archives in a Digital Age” good read

  2. @sirmies says:

    #Librarians #LibChat RESOURCE: Best of Both Worlds: Museums, Libraries, and Archives in a Digital Age » good read

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