Rights + Permissions

Unless otherwise noted, all content on the site is maintained under a CC-BY-NC license. Authors contributing original articles to dh+lib:

+ assign dh+lib a nonexclusive license to distribute their work;

+ may reuse their materials in any form, while attributing dh+lib as the original place of publication;

+ must consult with the Editorial Board to request the application of a license other than CC-BY-NC.

Articles contributed to dh+lib will be reviewed for quality, relevance, length, and style. Where applicable, edits will be suggested to the author. Once a piece has undergone review and been accepted for inclusion on dh+lib, authors must approve the final version to be published. The editors regret that, once published, this piece cannot be altered. We will, however, honor authors’ requests to remove a piece.

(Adapted, in part, from In the Library with the Lead Pipe.)

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