Digital curation involves the selection, maintenance, dissemination, preservation and adding value to digital assets. Examples of these activities include the development of repositories for digital resources, the creation and/or selection of digital assets; creation and management of metadata; file format identification and management, and provision for dissemination and access to digital assets. Digital curation is a multi-disciplinary area, which has the potential to yield much of relevance to the archival community.
Suggested topics for papers may include:
- Theory of digital curation
- Digital preservation methods
- The role of genre in digital curation activities
- Digital repositories
- Standards and models for digital curation
- Data reuse and user requirements for digital curation
- Models for dissemination of digital assets
- Cost models and business cases for digital curation
- Digital curation education and training.
Key Dates:
- Submission Deadline for completed papers: December 1, 2013
- Review Decisions will be made by: March 1, 2014
- Final Versions Due: May 1, 2014
This post was produced through a cooperation between Virginia Pannabecker, Brian Rosenblum, Caitlin Pollock and Amy Wickner (Editors-at-large for the week), Caro Pinto (Editor for the week), and Zach Coble and Roxanne Shirazi (dh+lib Review Editors).