The British Library Labs has announced the details of a competition ” designed to attract scholars, explorers, trailblazers and software developers who see the potential for new and innovative research and development opportunities lurking within these immense digital collections.”
Details from the site:
- We’re looking for people over 18 who are interested in researching and developing a project that would significantly benefit from access to the British Library’s digital collections.
- If you are thinking of entering, express your interest, so we can try and support and help you develop your idea before you submit it.
- Take note of the important dates below.
- Read the competition details, terms and conditions, FAQs, judging process, example ideas and resources pages to help you formulate a fantastic idea before you submit it to the competition.
- Start working on a draft submission using a text version of the final submission form (it will be easier to submit the final version by copying text from the text form to the live form)
- Discuss tools, datasets, digital resources in an open way using this wiki (get an accountif you haven’t already got one), use our mailing list, or other tools such as twitter, blogs and / or websites (remember to use the #BL_Labs hash tag).
- Participate in one of the roadshow events around the UK, virtual events, our hack event in London or contact us to discuss your ideas and ask questions about the competition and Labs.
- Submit your entry using the live entry form before the deadline, Wednesday 26 June , 2013 (midnight GMT)
- Your entries will be judged using specific assessment criteria.
- If you win, you will work with the Labs team to complete your project at the British Library between Saturday July 6 to Monday 4 November, 2103. You will then have the opportunity to showcase your work during November 2013 and of course collect your prizes.
- If you don’t win, you can still develop your idea on the Labs wiki and the Labs team and British Library staff will try and support you where possible.
Prizes range from £1,000 to £3,000.
This post was produced through a cooperation between Roxanne Shirazi (dh+lib review editor for the week), Laura Braunstein and Chella Vaidyanathan (Editors-at-Large for the week), and Zach Coble and Sarah Potvin (site editors).