RECOMMENDED: Wrapping Up DH2014, Lausanne (Part 2)

In the eleven days since the end of the international Digital Humanities conference in Lausanne, Switzerland, participants have been posting wrap-up reports, slides, and posters. We highlighted the first batch in last week’s Part 1. Further reports that have caught our attention in the intervening days:

DH2014 was a jam-packed conference, with more than two dozen pre-conference workshops, eight or nine paper and panel sessions running concurrently, two poster sessions, daily lunch meetings, and four keynotes. Notes kept by Geoffrey Rockwell (University of Alberta) and James Baker (The British Library) provide insight into some of the many paths one could take through the sessions. See the DH2014 Book of Abstracts for further details. Baker has also posted an overview of observations from DH2014.

This year saw the inaugural meeting of the GeoHumanities special interest group, an introductory workshop on GIS, and many presentations that incorporated spatial aspects. An excellent overview by Susanna Ånäs (Wikimedia Suomi) highlights and categorizes these sessions, concluding with her picks of “very interesting projects presented at the conference.”

Additional links to papers and reflections:

  • Bethany Nowviskie (University of Virginia) has posted slides & audio from the DH2014 keynote, “Digital Humanities in the Anthropocene,” read at DH2014 by Melissa Terras (University College London). Though she was unable to present the talk in person at the conference, Nowviskie created a recording of her own reading.
  • Demmy Verbeke (University of Leuven) has shared slides from his paper, “The opportunistic librarian: A Leuven confession.”
  • Élika Ortega (CulturePlex Lab, University of Western Ontario) and Silvia Gutiérrez (Universitat Wurzburg) have posted the slides and paper for their project, “MapaHD: Exploring Spanish and Portuguese Speaking DH Communities.” In their survey of practices among Spanish and Portuguese speaking DHers, Ortega and Gutiérrez asked participants to indicate all the disciplines they associated their work with. Their results showed that participants who reported working on LIS consistently picked more disciplines than others, suggesting that their work not only tends to be more interdisciplinary but also they are more aware of this interdisciplinarity.
  • A collaborative paper on last year’s One Week | One Tool experience, “Play as Process and Product: On Making Serendip-o-matic,” was presented in three parts, and notes/slides from each have been posted by Scott Kleinman (California State University, Northridge), Mia Ridge (Open University), and Brian Croxall (Emory Center for Digital Scholarship).
  • Élika Ortega describes a grassroots program to translate conference sessions in her recent post, “Whispering/Translating During DH2014: Five Things We Learned.”

dh+lib Review

This post was produced through a cooperation between Jacqueline Whyte Appleby, Stephanie Barnwell, Kristina De Voe, Joseph Grobelny, Wendy Hagenmaier, Christina Harlow, Arianne Hartsell-Gundy, Chris Malinowski, Trevor Muñoz, and Zachary Schoenberger (Editors-at-large for the week), Roxanne Shirazi (Editor for the week), Sarah Potvin (Site Editor), and Zach Coble and Caro Pinto (dh+lib Review Editors). Thanks to Élika Ortega and Silvia Gutiérrez for providing information about their findings, to be included in this post.