RESOURCE: Starting and Sustaining DH Centers

This past week, centerNet announced a new initiative around starting and sustaining DH Centers. A resources page, featuring “talks, articles, sample DH proposals, and other sources of information about ways to start and sustain DH centers,” has been added to the centerNet website. Additionally, a new centerNet listserv has been launched around the topic: DHCenterStartUp.

Lynne Siemens, centerNet’s Coordinator for Center Start Ups and an Assistant Professor in the School of Public Administration at the University of Victoria (BC), compiled the resources list. As Siemens wrote in an email to Humanist: “I am also putting in a call for other resources to supplement this page.  If you have proposals, talks, articles and other resources that talk about strategies, partnership models and other information needed to start a centre, please direct them my way.” Siemens can be contacted @lynnelynne53.


Author: Sarah Potvin

Sarah works as the Digital Scholarship Librarian in the Office of Scholarly Communications, Texas A&M University Libraries.