PROJECT: Digital Humanities Net/Works

Launched in December 2020 through the University of Buffalo Libraries, Digital Humanities Net/Works is an online forum and journal that offers opportunities for the “the exchange of ideas among DH practitioners on the most significant questions or issues in our field and on ways to rethink technology and online structures in order to make them more responsive to issues of diversity and inclusion.” Further,

The DH Net/Works constitutes a digital experiment in networking, beyond the blog, more flexible than the journal, and oriented toward initiating structures of change. Like a journal, it has an editor and advisory board; like a blog, it allows relatively simple entry into the conversation, quick response turn-around, and strong encouragement to include a diversity and range of voices.

DH Net/Works takes as its platform and focus both the “net”/internet and the products and agency of our “works,” the activity of our research and digital productivity and what we hope may become a growing community of scholars thinking and working collaboratively to make digital systems, structures, and algorithms as open, accessible, and equitable as possible.

The premium in DH Net/Works editorial oversight (Editorial Principles) is on openness of scholarly exchange, adhering to principles of equity and diversity, and maintaining an atmosphere of respect, leading ideally toward possibilities for collaborative thinking and action. It constitutes a digital experiment in networking, beyond the blog, more flexible than the journal, and oriented toward initiating structures of change. Obviously, this includes openness to change and experimentation on the DHN/W site itself, which is continually in process.

DH Net/Works represents an important dynamic experiment not only in digital publishing, but also as an effort towards collectivity and open collaboration amongst DH practitioners. 

dh+lib Review

This post was produced through a cooperation between Anne Donlon, Colleen Farry, Tierney Gleason, David Gustavsen, Jennifer Hootman, Jill Krefft, and Jennifer Matthews (Editors-at-Large for the week), Nickoal Eichmann-Kalwara (Editor for the week), and Caitlin Christian-Lamb, Alasdair Ekpenyong, Linsey Ford, and Pamella Lach (dh+lib Review Editors).