CFP: Digital Humanities BeNeLux Conference 2018

The Digital Humanities BeNeLux initiative has issued a call for papers for the 5th annual conference, taking place June 6-8, 2018 at the International Institute for Social History (IISH) in Amsterdam. The conference, which focuses on “data or research projects related to Belgium, The Netherlands, and Luxembourg,” invites papers from a variety of fields towards ...

JOB: Digital Projects Librarian, University of Texas at Arlington

From the announcement: The Digital Projects Librarian works with library and university staff, faculty, and students to develop and implement new digitization projects. Reporting to the Department Head of Digital Creation, the Digital Projects Librarian oversees and monitors all aspects of digital project work, including project development, assistance in digital collection selection, digitization of materials, ...

RECOMMENDED: Experiencing the Bust

Laura Mandell (Texas A&M) has posted “Experiencing the Bust,” a response to Timothy Brennan’s “Digital Humanities Bust,” the Chronicle of Higher Education article that caused a stir earlier this month. In it, Mandell asserts that “digital humanities is only busted if you expected it to be salvific,” noting that “it is the utopianists who deserve ...

POST: ‘Digital’ is Not the Opposite of ‘Humanities’

The Chronicle of Higher Education has published “‘Digital’ is Not the Opposite of ‘Humanities’,” a response to Timothy Brennan’s recent “Digital Humanities Bust” article, written by Sarah E. Bond (University of Iowa), Hoyt Long (University of Chicago), and Ted Underwood (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign). Taking issue with Brennan’s dismissal of literary analysis using quantitative ...

POST: Data Packages for DH Beginners

Miriam Posner (UCLA) has shared a brief blog post, “Data Packages for DH Beginners,” explaining her method for gathering and preparing datasets for use in her introductory DH classroom. [T]he typical student who enters my DH101 classroom has facility with Word, PowerPoint, maybe Excel, maybe some of the Adobe suite, but not a ton of ...

RESOURCE: Colonial and Postcolonial Digital Humanities Roundtable

Roopika Risam (Salem State University) has shared the text of her portion of a Colonial and Postcolonial Digital Humanities Roundtable at the College of William and Mary’s Race, Memory, and the Digital Humanities Conference (#RMDHatWM). Risam’s contribution discusses attempts to “redress the inequalities in the digital cultural record,” advocating for a multifaceted approach that includes ...

CFParticipation: Calling All Digital Humanists! Make Your Work More Visible, Citable, Discoverable

The Association of Research Libraries (ARL) and the Center for Open Science (COS) have invited digital humanists to participate in a survey as part of an NEH Digital Humanities Advancement Grant, “Integrating Digital Humanities into the Web of Scholarship with SHARE: An Exploration of Requirements.” Building on the success of SHARE—a database of metadata describing and ...

JOB: Digital Initiatives Librarian, University of Idaho

From the announcement: The University of Idaho Library seeks an innovative, flexible, and highly collaborative librarian who will help promote, develop, and maintain the digital services and projects of the library and the relationships that make these services and projects possible. Reporting to the Dean, this position will work within the Data and Digital Services ...

POST: ADHO Announces Reactivation of the Linked Open Data SIG

The Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO) has announced the reactivation of the Linked Open Data Special Interest Group (SIG): The mission of the ADHO LOD SIG is to bridge between the DH community and the semantic web community, encouraging and facilitating the interconnection and interoperability of open online Humanities resources by raising awareness of ...

Looking Back on Five Years of dh+lib

Looking Back on Five Years of dh+lib
The dh+lib site debuted at the Digital Library Federation Forum in November 2012. As we approach the five-year anniversary of this project, we thought we should take a moment to reflect on where we’ve been and where we’re going. Sarah and Roxanne are the founding editors of dh+lib and, along with Zach Coble (who joined ...

POST: A Reflection on the Design for Diversity Forum

Ayoola White (Simmons College) has written a post on the Hack Library School blog regarding the recent Design 4 Diversity Forum, noting that the event was a welcome departure from the usual, “predictable” conversations around diversity in libraries. The two-day event, which took place Oct. 16-17 at Northeastern University and used the Twitter hashtag #d4d, ...