Book Adjacent: Database & Makerspace Prototypes Repairing Book-Centric Citation Bias in DH Working Libraries

Book Adjacent: Database & Makerspace Prototypes Repairing Book-Centric Citation Bias in DH Working Libraries
My digital humanities center recently returned to a renovated library building with a dedicated public area. Our pre-renovation space included semi-public shelves full of DH-relevant books, but by 2019 thirteen years of book accrual meant our specialized reference collection needed significant curation. Some of the most appreciated books weren’t making it back to us, and ...

RESOURCE: Digital Humanities Community Bluesky Invite Codes

Given the ongoing deterioration of Twitter as a viable space for the sharing of digital humanities work, the Association for Computers and the Humanities has begun exploring alternatives. Bluesky social has the makings of a viable alternative, but it requires an invitation to join. This form was created to facilitate the sharing of these invitation ...

What Iā€™m Reading This Summer: Erica Hayes

Note: As the dh+lib Review editors work behind the scenes this summer, we have invited a few members of our community to step in as guest editors and share with us what they are reading and why the dh+lib audience might want to read it too. This post is from Erica Hayes, Digital Scholarship Librarian ...

RECOMMENDED: Archiving DH, Part 3

In March of this year, dh+lib Review highlighted “Archiving DH Part 1: The Problem” and “Archiving DH Part 2: The Problem in Detail,” published by the University of Virginiaā€™s Scholarsā€™ Lab on their blog. They have just published “Archiving DH Part 3: The Long View,” written by Brandon Butler, Amanda Visconti, and Ammon Shepherd. The ...

RESOURCE: Charters & Values Statements

DH practitioners, including librarians, are invited to use and contribute to a crowdsourced Charters & Values Statements Google Sheet. This list tracks charters, values statements, pledges, and codes for “DHy, digital or experimental scholarship or profession, [or] GLAM [work].” The document currently lists more than 20 examples, including: Student Collaboratorsā€™ Bill of Rights, UCLA DH ...

RECOMMENDED: Archiving DH, Parts 1 and 2

The University of Virginia’s Scholars’ Lab has recently published a series of posts on the issues involved in archiving digital humanities on their blog. “Archiving DH Part 1: The Problem,” by Ammon Shepard (Scholars’ Lab) focuses on laying out the issue of maintaining digital humanities projects over time. Shepard bemoans the current state of planning ...

Do DH Librarians Need to Be in the Library?: DH Librarianship in Academic Units

Many pieces on libraries and digital humanities focus on the library as a space, an organization, and an institution, with the roles of librarians typically understood as functioning primarily within that space.[1. Among the examples are the excellent essays collected in White, J. W., & Gilbert, H. (2016). Laying the foundation: Digital humanities in academic ...

POST: Digital Humanities Dissertation Defense Talk

Amanda Visconti (Purdue University Libraries) has posted her dissertation defense talk, “‘How can you love a work, if you don’t know it?’ Critical code and design toward participatory digital editions,”Ā delivered in April 2015.Ā Visconti’s dissertation project, Infinite Ulysses, explores the ways in which digital editions can support social reading, annotation, and other affordances of reading and ...

CFParticipation: Digital Humanities on Slack

Amanda Visconti (Purdue University) shared a form to join Digital Humanities Communities on Slack. Aimed at “anyone interested in both in some combination of ‘digital’ and ‘humanities’ (whatever those mean to you), and some activity such as coding/design/making/building/sysadministery/development at *any* level of experience, including being complete new to the activity.” The group also includes a ...

POST: Building a Static Website with Jekyll and GitHub Pages

Amanda Visconti (Purdue University) published a lessonĀ that outlines how to build a static webpage with Jekyll and GitHub Pages along with a robust explanation about the benefits of learning to construct static sites (and what they are in contrast to dynamic sites), understanding Jeykll, and engaging with GitHub. Visconti links to excellent documentation across the ...

RECOMMENDED: Service +/- collaboration for digital humanities in the library

In a post on her blog, Amanda Visconti (Purdue University Libraries) shared the job talk she gave when interviewing for her current position asĀ assistant professor & digital humanities specialist. The talk, entitled “Service +/- collaboration for digital humanities in the library,” presents a variety of approaches toward what a DH specialist in a library might ...