CFP: Handbook of Humanities Podcasting

The Humanities Podcasting Network (HPN) is compiling an edited collection to be published by Palgrave Macmillan. A 250-word abstract is due by May 5th, submitted through a Google Form. Topics for inclusion range from Historicizing the Humanities Podcast to Queer and Feminist Voices in podcasting, with over 20 topics represented.

HPN seeks contributors from a diverse range of perspectives and disciplines within the humanities and will be notified of their approval in the month of May. Contributors also have the opportunity to volunteer as a section editor. Guidelines on submitting, editing, and topic selection are linked in the submission form.

dh+lib Review

This post was produced through a cooperation between Elizabeth Parke, Christine Salek, Kayla Abner, Abbie Norris-Davidson, Amy Gay, Olivia Staciwa, and Ruth Carpenter (Editors-at-Large), Hillary Richardson and Linsey Ford (Editors for the week), Claudia Berger, Nickoal Eichmann-Kalwara, Rachel Starry, and Pamella Lach (dh+lib Review Editors), and John Russell (Editor in Chief).