EVENT: Antiracist Markup Practices Symposium

The Women Writers Project at Northeastern University is hosting a virtual symposium on Antiracist Markup Practices, on Monday, 15 May 2023. From the announcement:

The symposium will investigate the implications of social justice frameworks for text encoding theory and practice. The focus of this event will be on text encoding with TEI and XML, but we want to ensure the discussions are generative for anyone with an interest in antiracist digital cultural heritage work. To that end, we are holding an optional orientation session at 12–12:45pm [Eastern; 4-12:45pm UTC]. Following a break, we will have presentations and discussion from 1–4pm [Eastern; 5-8pm UTC].

We are honored to announce that Clayton McCarlMary ChapmanSydney LinesJoey TakedaBrook Danielle LillehaugenXóchitl M. Flores-Marical, and Caitlin Pollock will be speaking about their diverse collection of projects.

This symposium highlights expertise of people working to develop antiracist editing and encoding practices in their digital projects. They invite participants “to think through some of the potential and challenges for representing marginalized and racialized identities through markup.”

For the schedule and how to RSVP, see more on the Women Writers Project’s post.


dh+lib Review

This post was produced through a cooperation between Emily Cukier, Michael Cummings, Mimosa Shah, and Rebekah Walker (Editors-at-Large), Nickoal Eichmann-Kalwara and Linsey Ford (Editors for the week), Claudia Berger, Caitlin Christian-Lamb, Pamella Lach, Hillary Richardson and Rachel Starry (dh+lib Review Editors), and John Russell (Editor in Chief).