From the call:
The Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy (JITP) seeks scholarly (especially creative and experimental) work that contributes to or is informed by the liberatory pedagogical legacy of bell hooks. Paying special attention to texts like Teaching to Transgress: Education as the Practice of Freedom (1994) and Teaching Community: A Pedagogy of Hope (2003), this special themed issue explores how collaborative, community-centered, and/or multimodal engagements with technology—as informed by hooks’s work—can transform frameworks and outcomes for instruction, as well as open up new shared spaces for learning.
Drawing on hooks’s radical, inclusive, disruptive, and recuperative legacy—and the scholars informed by it—this issue will highlight the use of digital technology in teaching, educational organizing, and anti-oppressive praxes within, alongside, and beyond academia. We ask: What kinds of embodied and communal interactions are enabled by teaching with technology? How can we reconcile the inherent contradictions in a learning community where technology functions at once as a tool for social justice and for surveillance capitalism?
Submission deadline for full manuscripts is 31 May 2023. Anticipated publication via Manifold Scholarship is December 2023.
Read the full call, including submission guidelines, here.
dh+lib Review
This post was produced through a cooperation between Rebecca Saunders, Emily Cukier, Basia Kapolka, Soni Wadhwa, Mimosa Shah, and Michael Cummings (Editors-at-Large), Hillary Richardson and Rachel Starry (Editors for the week), Caitlin Christian-Lamb, Claudia Berger, Nickoal Eichmann-Kalwara, Linsey Ford, and Pamella Lach (dh+lib Review Editors), and John Russell (Editor in Chief).